My father “Why is my PC so slow ?”. My Father in Christ I can grow vegetables with all the dirt from your fans

My father “Why is my PC so slow ?”. My Father in Christ I can grow vegetables with all the dirt from your fans


  1. N0vawolf

    Does your dad pour coffee into a humidifier or something? Cuz that is some quality fan dirt

  2. InsaneInTheMEOWFrame

    That looks like your dad is a smoker.

  3. I’ve seen this type of build-up generally come from smoking.

    (If it ca do this to components image what it’s doing to your insides..)

  4. Top-Conversation2882

    Man my father has the same issue

    The laptop is in the office 24×7 which is inside the factory😞

  5. Chaosxandra

    I bet on the pc farming simulator runs the best

  6. Merciless_Hobo

    Blows literal tar into PC. Wonders why PC does not perform as well as before he blew literal tar into it.

  7. Darksuit117

    Oddly enough ive heard of it happening, someone had both dirt and moisture enough to get seedlings to grow in a case.

    (greenhouse i think)

  8. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwkuTTfoS7ClrOw|downsized)

    In the grand scheme of things… that’s not too bad. I’ve seen some that looked like Cousin It from the Addams Family.

  9. Ratiofarming

    Are you sure that HDD has nothing to do with the answer to his question?

  10. ilovepolthavemybabie

    “No, son, it’s those DESKTOP ICONS that are slowing everything down!!!!”

  11. cszolee79

    Lung cancer is a shitty way to die.

    Took my father 3 years, at the end he was on oxygen.

  12. It’s easier to replace the fan than clean it

  13. Kemalist_din_adami

    Is your dad a diesel engine because this shit doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen

  14. ablackcloudupahead

    Everyone is rightfully mentioning how nasty whatever that build up is, I want to know what kind of PC that is. Some kind of all in one?

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