hallzerk on Complexity future before Pro League: “It’s probably make or break to be honest”

hallzerk on Complexity future before Pro League: “It’s probably make or break to be honest”


  1. hallzerk is probably the correct one to have on the chopping block if CoL don’t start making it further in tournaments. He is good, but inconsistent.

    Plus, they can keep an NA majority with any AWPer from any nationality anyway

  2. most likely hallzerk will be out. maybe mhl would be a good idea?

  3. Roman64s

    Grim for me has been underwhelming in this roster post +EliGe, he still has one or two games where’s contending for the best player in the server, but its soo hard watching floppy and him take turns disappearing.

    But its has to be hallzerk considering his lows are absolutely abysmal compared to his highs.

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