Call of Duty: Zombies

Zombies Bingo on BingoSync

Bored waiting for the next Zombies game to release? MWZ not scratching that zombies itch or just looking for something to spice up your life? Well do I have the thing for you!

BingoSync is a website that lets you play Bingo through challenges on a number of games, and me and my friends developed a version for Zombies. The game to select is "Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Saga" and every goal can be done solo on any Black Ops Game 1 to Cold War. There are updates in the works for it as well as it will be updated for the next Treyarch game. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions. Here is the link to the Pastebin with all of the possible goals. If you're curious how to do any of the goals in a certain game, leave a comment, and I'll let you know.

NOTE: The board above is a sample, there are nearly limitless combinations that can be generated on BingoSync.

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