What should be the requirements to be able to do overwatch cases without people abusing the system?

What should be the requirements to be able to do overwatch cases without people abusing the system?


  1. FireSilicon

    Manually press a button on your steam mobile authenticator to confirm reviewing your case.

  2. ValaranteChild

    Add a phone number to register as an overwatch judge. Like it used be to upgrade to prime before 2019 

    Before doing an overwatch session. Complete an Anti Bot captcha test

    and most importantly make overwatch interesting and rewarding to grind, Introduce an overwatch rank which will be showing in your profile , If you rank up if you make right calls and derank if wrong, This is great way to make a lot of people do overwatch and speed up the process of banning cheaters

  3. Elppi_29

    Needs a higher rank requirement too. It was like gold nova in csgo? Id say like 15k in premier atleast

  4. To get trusted you should imo have:

    * >500hrs of playing
    * High trust factor
    * No VACs in any valve/CS games

    I believe that only giving it to high ranked CS2 premiere players would be a mistake. I am ex global and never grinded CS2 so my rating is kinda ass. Gaining rating is impossible rn anyway with a cheater in almost every game.

  5. busywinterfell

    If a high number of people will receive overwatch, they should also restrict the access in case of wrong verdicts.

    Is there a clear case, like spinbotting, and 15 people out of 100, for example, said they are innocent? Restrict their access

  6. TheMidsommarHouse

    Register with credentials and apply for judge position (minimum 1000 playing hours and 5 year badge). Then complete a survey/ training and review cases as a test. The test reveals if the applicant is condemning cheaters beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Judges should be rewarded for their work. Introduce judge level 1, 2 and 3 based on amount of work they put in during the season. Each season Judges get special untradable skins and a Judge honour badge based on their level.

    Over time introduce the position of head judge. Head judges are experienced judges who do normal judge activities but also oversee non-head judges. The head judge serves as a contact person for other judges. The head judges review suspicious judges and have the power to kick them if they see malicious behaviour and system abuse.

  7. slip in some obvious non cheaters and obvious cheaters to check if you’re able to tell them apart and if you are being honest.

    If you don’t pass these obvious cases you lose access to overwatch

  8. The main priority should be test cases imo.

    The first few Overwatch cases for everyone should be hand-selected rounds of demos where people were without a doubt using cheats and also rounds from pro matches. (Should be a big accurate pool, randomized and anonymized)

    When done with these, some test cases sprinkled in every 10 Overwatch sessions. System weeds the people out wo fail these easy tests.

    Generally in the backend it gets tracked how accurate you are.

  9. greenestgreen

    the “trusted partners” wording makes me feel like they are some kind of entity outside the player base

  10. Adobopeek1225

    its a lie lmao

    i dont care if im downvoted i want this subreddit show a proof they have it

  11. filous_cz

    Honestly I wish Valve just hired a lot of people to do overwatch and not have it public. If we can have scam call centers – why can’t we have centers doing overwatch. Give them training, regularly test them on predetermined cases to prevent any sabotage etc. AFAIK Valorant also has a lot of manual banning from the devs. (Even tho I have no idea how they do it, when there are no demos there)

  12. preparedprepared

    Maybe having a credit / debit card / bank account added to steam that has solid KYC requirements in addition to playtime / trust factor requirements. I’m sure they already measured how accurate people were at overwatch judgements before in CSGO and adjusted the weight of your decisions based on that.

    Going further, I think as soon as vacnet flags you as a cheater with relative confidence, your account should not be banned but locked until you add a bank account / debit card / credit card or some other identifiable info in case that does not work for some reason, and only after that your case should be sent to humans for overwatch review. else the system could quickly be overrun by cheaters making cheap new accounts.

  13. They should also have overwatch-er badges and ranks determined by how accurate they are at finding griefers and cheaters. They also start getting more hit and miss types of cases to provide the community a better environment to game on.

  14. They are in quite the predicament. Make it too restrictive and they will never catch up to the millions of cases or make it too open and it will be abused.

    Also if it’s too restrictive no one is gonna bother to go through the trouble (unless they get some reward.)

  15. Pay a few thousand people a little and have an employee review how they do from time to time. Valve has the money. I think this is unrealistic to happen though

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