
Not much of an achievement hunter but managed to get 100% achievements on the ‘Spyro Reignited Trilogy’ at the weekend.

I felt many games nowadays suffer extreme content bloat and I just felt like playing something that was simple, straight to the point and had a clear list of completion percentages. Been a Spyro fan since the PS1 days and this game just made me mellow out and relax when I’m free from my full time job. 😆 I just wish we got more Spyro games using the same art direction. ✨


  1. Extra_Independent277

    Nice not the hardest to 100% but still feels good.

  2. Jebusfreek666

    I don’t think I have ever 100% the achievements in a game. This always seems like a waste of time to me. I know I am in the minority here.

  3. zg_mulac


    105 achievements for 100% is nothing to frown at. Great job.

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