Wholesome tweet by malbsMd after M80’s elimination at Pro League

Wholesome tweet by malbsMd after M80’s elimination at Pro League


  1. TwatAnger

    He definitely earned his stripes.
    If malbs continues like this in his career, he’s definitely a top rifler contender.

    The M80 squad as a whole seem to be sharp, and I’ve never seen s1n at this level either.

  2. Zhiong_Xena

    Everyone knows the real complement niko can give you is yelling “How the fuck are these noobs killing me” after dying to them. Woxic will confirm.

    Only need to see one YouTube video titled “Niko malding” to confirm that.

  3. suffocatingpaws

    Truly excited on what this M80 squad can do in the near future. Hopefully they will keep up this momentum and qualify for the next major.

  4. ApothecaryRx

    Criminal we didn’t get a replay of the Malb’s 3k in mid on Ancient. Overshadowed by Niko’s ace but still.

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