Counter-Strike 2

I lost everything.

Nothing I can do at this point. They disabled authenticated and everything. How can I kick them off my account now?

by TheUltimatePunV2


  1. Jahoosafer

    That sucks brother. Change your password and contact steam support. I don’t know if it’ll do anything, but it’s better than nothing.

  2. TheUltimatePunV2

    I use dmarket and used their crest trade straight from their website.

  3. Old-Smile-3065

    Wait, you did a legitimate trade with d-market then another trade happened after the fact?

  4. TheFuddy

    That really sucks, Hope you get your skins back. As the other guy said, contact dmarket and steam Support. I doubt Steam Support will do anything though, especially not return skins, like they used to a long time ago.

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