[COD] To me Private First Class Joesph Allen is the true and biggest victim of the OG Modern Warfare, he was used by Shepard and Makarov and became a scapegoat for WW2.

[COD] To me Private First Class Joesph Allen is the true and biggest victim of the OG Modern Warfare, he was used by Shepard and Makarov and became a scapegoat for WW2.


  1. StillGalaxy99

    You’re saying Joseph Allen was blamed for the atrocities of Nazi Germany!? That’s terrible! How could they do that to him!?

  2. No-Speaker-1534

    Shepard is the true villain of MW, since evreything was started by him Makarov was just his pawn who he could keep pointing figures at to get that blank check

  3. Snivinerior2

    ah yes, modern warfare 2, my favourite historical game

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