Help. I encountered a “bug” in PBO but it was stable!? Ryzen 7900X

Here I am thinking I won some kind of silicon lottery but if I am being completely honest, the system wasn't always stable all the time. Sometimes games would crash but the stress test passed from OCCT.

I have been trying to figure out what the bug is/was or if anyone else has seen something this crazy.

EDIT link: https://i.imgur.com/m2F8kxY.jpeg

So from this one picture I have…

CCID is at 5.4 Ghz. PPT is saying 140W. TCP is saying 79 Amps. CCID voltage at 1.3-ish.

Can anyone give me any insights on how to replicate this PBO behavior? I have been trying every CPU setting I can find and nothing has quite done this.

I reset my bios recently and I enabled the same things as before but I am not getting these results.

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