
I found the 3ds stylus that I lost almost 10 years ago under a closet

I found the 3ds stylus that I lost almost 10 years ago under a closet


  1. LaserGadgets

    So…its still in the place that nobody could reach, including yourself!?

    Thats not even r/midlyinteresting

  2. InfiniteConfusion-_-

    I wish I was stable enough to be somewhere for 10 years

  3. I have one blue one that I have managed to keep for about just as long, that funnily enough I found in the bus on the way home.

    Always managed to lose them or misplace them l.

  4. Deathblo

    Cut your finger nails they got dirt underneath them.

  5. Zeidrich-X25

    Under a closet? My brain can’t brain this comment.

  6. SnakeO1LER

    Fuck yea man I forgot they were extendable and made out of metal. So nice.

  7. Aggressive-Article41

    You could have just bought a new one.

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