Call of Duty: Zombies

anyone knows if I can find actual HD textures somewhere ? (options are all set to Ultra)

anyone knows if I can find actual HD textures somewhere ? (options are all set to Ultra)


  1. Zombieteube

    I know on Team Fortress 2 there’s a simple console command u can type that will force the game to display props and textures at their highest quality instead of compressed / lower LOD models and it makes the game looks way better than it did in 2007 bc all textures and props are now very high res and clean

    Can I do the same on BO1?

  2. I honestly thought there was a texture mod, but I’m not seeing anything when I look it up now…

    Put a little bit of effort in on Google (I’m sure you have), but don’t spend too much time looking for it, no guarantees.

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