
Cyberpunk is now. Thoughts?

Cyberpunk is now. Thoughts?


  1. TheRealestBiz

    Yes, this is what cyberpunk was supposed to be. But it was written before computer science majors as a profession sold out to the Man with an enthusiasm that borders on psychotic.

    They’re the Gen X/millennial version of boomers turning into coke sniffing Reagan voting yuppies. It’s like asking the arcology-dwelling *sarariman* of the Sprawl novels to be rebels.

  2. ShinobiWerewolf

    Its an aspect of it for sure. Imo it’s anything that shows the evolution of technology moving into that future tech kinda world. I mean that robot dog with the flame thrower and the nueral link is also very cyberpunk.

  3. Mechanical_Rock

    More like cyber asshole. You got a program to report fraud and somebody makes it non functional and people think its a great thing. Hey maybe next time they can hack a whistleblower site. I’m all for eating the rich but I’m also against lay abouts just leaching off the system. Like wtf

  4. Burnt_Ramen9

    Cyberpunk has been now for a long time if you actually pay attention to what it’s saying

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