Call of Duty: Zombies

Hello, I’m new to this and i would like to know how do I get these? I tried going to the rift in a match but there was nothing there? How do i do it?

Hello, I’m new to this and i would like to know how do I get these? I tried going to the rift in a match but there was nothing there? How do i do it?


  1. BigMacDestroyer699

    You need to do the contracts in the aether rift, each contract will have a chance of dropping an item called “Elder Sigil”, once you get it you can go to the Elder dark aether rift, and there you can get the schematics

  2. The best chance of getting the plans for this will be in the elder dark aether, team up if you can and your chances of getting these and surviving there will significantly increase. If you’re new I don’t recommend doing this solo.

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