Looks like the VAC “banwave” was for case farming and boosting

Looks like the VAC “banwave” was for case farming and boosting


  1. AgreeableBroomSlayer

    Its nice that they are taking some out cuz them bot lobbies were getting out of control.

    Probably manual bans as people sent in steam profiles of the bots

  2. PsychologicalPea3583

    Anticheat is PrIORitY N0MbER UnO!!111
    Unless it’s cases and skin market, that’s priority above all others, heh


    This would make more sense since I haven’t seen any leetify messages for banned players in a recent match,

  4. I was wondering why none of the spinbotters I reported were banned. VAC is still garbage, as usual.

  5. ApacheAttackChopperQ

    Come on Valve, show off those skills.

    Do you even lift, bro?

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