Call of Duty: Warzone

Took first place and lost SR???

Took first place and lost SR???


  1. Ispeakblabla

    Did you end up solo or did your whole team refuse to kill anyone? It is weird that it doesn’t list placement points but damn +2 kills and assists makes it look like your whole squad got one kill. Starting at plat3 you’re going to need kills if you want to gain SR you can’t solely rely on trying to get top 5

  2. Brodieboyy

    I just wanna know how you won without dying and only getting like 1 assist lol

  3. My opinion remains the same. A win should protect SR loss.

  4. GadnukLimitbreak

    Did you guys somehow leave before the game registered it as a win, or did you get disconnected in any way? The +-2 is usually what it shows if you get disconnected or booted, though if you get disconnected and the game can’t put you back in it usually gives you and your team a disconnection bonus to offset the drop-in fee. I had a friend get disconnected and it bugged out where he couldn’t get back in but it didnt give him the bonus and only gave it to the two of us who stayed in.

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