
Old PC Game Ads were something else

Old PC Game Ads were something else


  1. Yorhanes

    Back when RE was scary and not… whatever 8 is.

  2. DragNutts

    Because people weren’t pussies back then.

  3. GammaGoose85

    Reminds me of the Ad for the ps1 game Wipeout in 1995 depicting a drug overdose.

  4. RecentMatter3790

    Back when gaming was not riddled with the 💵 undertones. 🖕 Seaonal passes.


    I’d sacrifice the online catalogue (steam, netflix, etc) for traditional advertising and brick and mortar. It simply was better.

    Everything being conglomerated behind a screen makes life dull as fuck. Creativity is dying for the sake of “convenience”.

    Now these platforms don’t even offer convenience. They kill creativity and water everything down.

  6. darryledw

    if this was done today the dog would be vegan

  7. Boomboomciao90

    This absolutely smacks as a HQ poster. Wonder if I can get displate to make it lol

  8. Benzinly

    The Rayman 3 one is so out of place it’s hilarious

  9. niferman

    Damn I miss that error. Now everyone is afraid of hurting each other’s feelings

  10. Back when gaming had shit to prove

    Now studios know they can sell you a half baked shitty game & make most of theyre money on battle passes, camo & skins, & loot boxes/card packages

    I fucking hate greed

  11. Waxenberg

    And here I thought RE was majorly a Sony game growing up with a few coming out on Nintendo/Gamecube back in the day.

  12. Fake_William_Shatner

    That would be messed up if you had to shoot yourself in game to respawn or save your level.

    Like if you let the monster/bad guy kill you, you lost your experience points and such.

  13. ExceedAccel

    Well if I got bitten by a zombie and lose consciousness when turning zombie won’t that be a painless dead?

  14. ravenous_cadaver

    Wow I haven’t seen this in years,
    I used to have this two page magazine ad pinned to my wall when I was a teenager.
    Might even be in my folder of keep sakes still.

  15. Mercinator-87

    I miss gaming magazines. I know there are still gaming magazines but they aren’t the same with the internet.

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