Overpass was becoming less popular each month in Premier

Overpass was becoming less popular each month in Premier


  1. Since January, Overpass has been the 2nd least played map in Premier with its popularity declining each month.

    **Curious what this looks like by rank or region?** We’ve created an interactive map popularity chart with filters for region, rating, and date range to help provide more insight on why Overpass was removed: [leetify.com/blog/map-popularity-chart/](http://leetify.com/blog/map-popularity-chart/)

    Feel free to share your findings!

  2. I know I get down voted but I didn’t like overpass

  3. MiserableSuggestion2

    I think part of the reason for this is that it is an absolute nightmare to solo queue, since the map requires decent team play. Id be interested to see what the popularity rate on FaceIt is like

  4. DuckSwagington

    But I thought Overpass was the best map in the game??????

  5. wraithmainttvsweat

    hmm imagine if mirage was removed and people actually learned the other maps. And premier data is pointless large chunk of the playerbase is on third party. Premier is just cheaters. It should have been -pug map +pug map. Not a -scrim map for a +pug map. Take mirage or inferno for d2 if needed

  6. MechaFlippin

    Expected as it is one of the maps that more heavily requires team play, just like nuke (the other most unplayed map if you ignore Anubis being a new map… new maps always struggle the first few years) which makes people solo playing the game avoid it.

    I don’t think that the right thing to do is to reduce even more the pool on maps that require teamplay, because now, outside of Nuke, the pool is 6 deathmatch maps, leaving people that are looking for a more teamplay map having no options other than nuke.

    2/3 “teamplay” maps is the sweet spot.

  7. ValaranteChild

    if de_train added back, there is a good chance anubis will be removed.

    What you guys think of that ? 1 less dusty map and 1 less T map if anubis gone, Train as a CT sided map will also fill the up overpass place which was also CT map.

  8. TheN1njTurtl3

    I love overpass but I hate solo queuing overpass tbh, you get people with no idea how to play the map, I feel like the tactical skill gap makes it one of the best maps in the game but it also makes it not a great solo queue experience a lot of the time. Nuke can be similar as well but I think nuke is slightly easier to play, I just wish they didn’t chose dust to replace it.

  9. SiriusCasanova

    Yeah, in Premier people will play puggy maps, mirage, inferno and vertigo top picks ofc

    Maps that require more map control/teamplay/brain are bottom pick.

    Thats just how it goes, but it doesnt mean they are bad maps whatsoever.

    If thats the criteria then mirage will never leave the pool and mirage does have a lot of haters.

  10. KublaiKhagan

    I guess it was not very popular with cheaters. People who don’t cheat pick overpass, anubis and nuke more. But I guess we are not the target audience anymore

  11. I mean everyone hates Mirage, but its the most played.

  12. Because it was one of the most FPS killer, then vertigo. They need to optmize this shitshow performance.

  13. TAMiiNATOR

    maps like overpass will always be less popular, because it requires people to adapt and coordinate. I sometimes think a random map pick would people force into playing those maps more and therefore pushing them to adapt their playstyle and learn new things.

  14. buttplugs4life4me

    /u/leetify I didn’t find a feedback form on your website (although tbh I didn’t look all that hard), but one thing I’d really love to see is a per-round breakdown of the overall match details you offer. 

    So for example in round 1 the cheater had a TTD of 100ms, while in round 2 it was 1000ms. In the averaged match details even blatant togglers often look pretty legit. Not to mention that I sometimes have good rounds and bad rounds and I’d like to see why that is or what happened. Did I throw a good smoke and miss it, or was my spray bad, etc. 

    Personally I’d get the 5€/month pro for this. As it is I don’t yet care enough about the other features pro offers (although automatic highlights is pretty cool) for it to be worth 5€/month for me. 

    Mentioning automatic highlights, if the indicator without pro is accurate, it seems it doesn’t consider a 2v2 where you kill both enemies a highlight. Considering it can be the case that the other teammate hangs back and let’s you go alone it should at least be considered. Although idk what the exact criteria should be. Maybe whether the teammate had shot at the enemies or their distance from them. 

    All of that said, I’m really grateful for your service, especially all the stuff you offer for free. It really revitalised my love for CS and watching my stats get better and even in games I lose seeing that I’m not necessarily bad has been really cool. 

  15. Vertigo 3rd?? I can’t remember the last time it wasn’t vetoed in premier.

  16. I love the map, but as a solo player its a nightmare to play against a decent stack…

  17. Map preference on Premier should NOT be a deciding factor to which map is removed. Maps played in the professional scene should. Now we have one less team-oriented map to be played at big tourneys, and yet another map like all the rest. If we strive for variation then this ain’t it. Where is Train?

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