My boyf thinks this is okay

I told him it looks like the lost wreckage of the titanic. He only plays osrs…


  1. TXO_Lycomedes

    Its just a little dust I see nothing wrong with it. All it’s gonna do is absolutely mess up his PC, make you think he is disgusting, show how little he cares about himself, make people wonder about his personal hygiene. Yup nothing wrong at all.

  2. RebuildingTim

    It’s okay as a prop in The Last of Us

  3. It’s pretty bad, but people in the comments are overreacting way too much.

  4. picklesplz

    It would work 33% better if it was clean.

    At least.

  5. blenderbender44

    ….. This is why I got rid of that 100% transparent perspex UV reactive case…

  6. Long-Hoof

    Just tell him to blow it out, it’s just dust, take it outside and blow it out will take like 10 mins, then get a couple of brushes and a bit of 99% isopropyl alchohol and get him to give it a bit of a wipe down.

    His pc will run better and sound better and won’t overheat.

  7. StairwayToWhere

    Lol some disclaimers guys: his personal hygiene is good, we recently moved out of a dusty af house, both our PCs are nearing a decade old, we always jokingly out each other and tease about bad habits. Usually my bad habits so now I have ammo against him

  8. Midnight-Prototype

    Thought this shit was some of those bottled ecosystems

  9. Check the fan directions – The intake should be filtered, so no dust gets inside. Having fans facing the wrong way has the opposite effect and makes your PC a vacuum cleaner. Looking at that PC it looks like there is no filter at all, or the fans are the wrong way round making it ineffective.

  10. I think it’s time to revoke his PCMR card until he cleans that up.

  11. Honest_Advice2563

    I’ve fixed a PC that was Ina woodworking shop that wasn’t this bad 😂

    I’m honestly kind of impressed, that thing is gunna feel like new after he blows it out 😂

  12. demonslayer9911

    That pc got its own little ecosystem.

  13. TheRedditHasYou

    Jesus fucking Christ for the love of God please tag this NSFW

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