Call of Duty: Zombies

Is there a way of tracking kills in game for the Mastery challenges?

Is there a way of tracking kills in game for the Mastery challenges?


  1. ThePangolinofDread

    I am so not looking forward to doing the Jokr when I get to the launchers! so far AR’s , Pistols (apart from this last 1), melee and most of the SMG’s done

  2. str8l3g1t

    No there is not. I usually just count in my head.

  3. h8top14y

    The only sort of way around it is if your lucky and the weapon lines up with one of the weekly challenges. I’ve done that a few times with the get x number of kills with an LMG etc challenges.

  4. SoulReaper939

    I’m not sure about mastery tracking but a heads up to others doing regular camos grinds. Just press A on Xbox or X on Playstation (not sure for pc) over the camo and it will add to the “tracked” section. While in game you can press pause and see your progress there. You’re limited to 5 things being tracked.

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