
For your next campaign you will be taking on bubba yaga’s dancing trailer.

Don't you mean baba yaga?

No… No I don't


  1. thomas100Dn

    Well, buckle up, folks! Bubba Yaga’s Dancing Trailer is in for a wild ride with me at the helm.

  2. Electrical_Life6186

    This is gonna be extremely traumatic, can’t wait to DANCE 🕺 🪩

  3. viaJormungandr

    Them’s chicken feet? Hoooooowhee, Bubba got that ren-o-vation he’s been talkin bout. That means we gettin the pickled pigs feet leftovers!

    Moira? Moira! Call up Cletus an Bosephus! We’re havin’ a hoedown tonight!

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