Call of Duty: Zombies

The Kiwi Experience

The Kiwi Experience


  1. JebusNZed

    Just a small rant from the country that gets shafted for the online experience year after year.

    This year MWZ has really taken the cake. Maybe once a week will you manage to find a local match in the australian servers, which unfortunately due to their use of NBN still manages to screw New Zealand over.

    I know the market isnt exactly large scale over here, but the user experience is beyond terrible.

  2. Green_Dayzed

    I used to play with a c*nt from Brisbane. I was way better at zombies than him so i had him host had i had an entire second delay. Parts of the AU still has copper internet lines.

  3. Blakiukas

    I can console you: yesterday it was the same in the central EU, my friend’s game crashed twice, I was often shown packed loss, this has become the norm, unfortunately.

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