
Got the joy of adding this beautiful piece of shit to my gaming collection today. It’s better then a PS5! /s

At least this starts the "failure" section of my collection.


  1. lostalaska

    You know what else is better than a PS5 the Ouya I’m about to convince you to buy. /Srcsm

  2. DongKonga

    Man Onlive was a laggy piece of shit, I remember trying to play Kane and Lynch 2 on it and it was unplayable.

  3. Stemmzinhell

    I heard the controller is great in quality tho. Maybe you can pick one up for cheap for use as a gamepad

  4. PreferenceMindless45

    Wow, congrats on expanding your collection with that masterpiece! Who needs a PS5 when you have such a gem, right?

  5. FigTechnical8043

    Really wish they’d unlocked the game pad for pc usage though

  6. One-Inevitable1861

    Onlive is a really interesting piece of gaming history. Everyone says it’s a piece of shit but it was the ONE streaming service that actually worked for me. I played Assassin’s Creed 2 and I’m fairly certain a Borderlands game (this was like 10 years ago, I don’t remember). Had no issues, quite steady 720p on my lil crap laptop. However in 2024, streaming is fucked. I have constant drop outs, delayed inputs, ugly pixelation, it just doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried Nvidias one, the PS5 one, Xbox Game Cloud and my internet wired is around 80Mbps, so it should be fine but nope, it’s awful.

    I really dislike streaming, but Onlive worked for some reason.

  7. Fitherwinkle

    Got one too. Played a lot of Borderlands and Fear 2 for some reason on it. Actually worked really well for the time.

  8. TheJolliGreenGiant

    I still have mine – I can remember the hype as I queued for a free ‘console’ at Eurogamer Expo all those years ago.

    That said, I can only ever recall playing demos (one being Mafia II) due to the tech being extremely janky. No way I was actually spending money on a full game!

    Right idea, wrong time.

  9. robotman5yt

    i honestly liked using this service when it existed

  10. TheCold0ne

    That’s still kind of a cool collectible to have.

    The only experience I had with it was going to their party at E3 and eating snacks while trying the service at a kiosk. It was neat and worked well at the kiosk, but I was skeptical of streaming/subscription services for a long time.

  11. lazyrivr

    OnLive worked surprisingly well for me. I played all of Batman Arkham Asylum and Saints Row 2 for the first time on it, and I somehow got through most of the racing game Split/Second too, despite having pretty mediocre internet, even for the time.

  12. Warden_Memeternal

    Does the controller connect through Bluetooth? If so then at least you have a spare controller

  13. Sad_Efficiency_3978

    I liked it for a bit, but my Internet connection wasn’t good enough.

    Kinda figured it would flop, but wanted to try it. If I am not mistaken Playstation bought the streaming tech from them and used it to build their streaming property.

  14. azninvasion2000

    Oh god I remember this thing. Out of an hour of gaming you got maybe 10 minutes of shit that actually worked. My friends lent it to me so at least I didn’t have to pay for it. I remember the controller was actually decent though.

  15. LuxEfren

    Fun fact: these guys sold thier tech to Sony. Which is why you can stream games on ps4 and ps5. These guys also had advance tech in which they did the cutscences for batman arkham city.

  16. Killer_radio

    I still have nightmares about the onlive ad. Literally every YouTube video had it.

    “Onlive is cloud gaming, but what is cloud gaming?”

  17. Wildikdog

    I really liked OnLive and still kinda miss it even if I wouldn’t use it.

  18. Smooth-Physics-69420

    I know you typed /s, but you’re actually not wrong.

  19. anomaly256

    I’ve got a steam controller to sell you if you want to grow that failure collection 

  20. Gothbot6k

    Played through all of saints row 3 with I live. Can’t remember if it was $5 or free but it was cheap enough that I used it to play all the way through. It was a good way to play pc games on a low end Mac at the time.

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