Acer Predator expects you to place your TKL keyboard ON TOP of your laptop for gaming

Acer Predator expects you to place your TKL keyboard ON TOP of your laptop for gaming


  1. Lia_Llama

    So you can use the touch pad instead of a mouse for maximum gaming capabilities

  2. eestionreddit

    that’s probably not even a paticularly good board

  3. ShidoriDE

    No. They expect you to let your keyboard hover in the air.

  4. Ornumbbor

    I’ve had to open an RMA with them as I did this and my laptop keyboard got all scratched up :/ it also kept pressing keys under the keyboard so i was typing all sorts accidentally in league.

  5. magnus150

    Is this one of those “hover boards” the kids are always going on about?

  6. DeTomato_

    I can see why they compare the keyboard size with the laptop. There’s a possibility that a keyboard is too big to fit into the backpack you get with the purchase of a laptop. Comparing it with the laptop size gives an idea of how big the keyboard is. Still, the word “fit snuggly” does imply putting the keyboard on top of the laptop.

  7. honestly? not a bad idea at all

    that’s how I always gamed on my laptop anyway

  8. RicardoForce

    I wouldn’t use Acer hardware if it was gifted to me

  9. SFDessert

    “Our laptop keyboard sucks, so we made a keyboard that you can buy separately and put on top of it.”

    At least that’s the message *I* got from this ad.

  10. The funny thing is when my old laptop’s keyboard started giving out, instead of spending a 100 bucks at a repair shop to get it fixed I just lugged my 100% mech keeb everywhere with me, with a mouse to pair since I was already carrying all that bulk anyway. 80% of the time the mech keeb ended up on top of the laptop keeb, because the screen’d be too far away for my squinty eyes to see clearly even with glasses on.

  11. According_Gate_8107

    Why dont companies just make it so its possible to rotate the screen 180° so u just have your Kbm on the desk like normal i would feel super uncomfortable with the height difference of my mouse and keyboard hand

  12. Cosmonaut_Cosmo

    Sonshi style like this is popular with HHKB keyboards on MacBooks but a tkl? Kinda wild but it is fun if your keeb fits on your laptop.

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