Cyberpunk 2077

What’s your favourite Easter egg?

Saw an Always Sunny reference out in the wild and wondered if there are any other cool Easter eggs


  1. GoldenDennisGod

    r/IASIP , u’ll get a lot more likes there

    also, stop lurking on me.

  2. minwheelee

    There’s a reference to Oldboy, which is my favorite movie ever. 2003 btw not that shitty God awful 2013 remake

  3. Tylenol187ForDogs

    I like finding the Demolition Man three seashells in any cyberpunk related game.

  4. XanthosGambit

    The multiple *John Wick* references scattered everywhere.

  5. Responsible_Shoe_386

    My friend was playing Death Stranding and in that you get an email from a “Jackie” (or “J. Welles” or “Jackie. W”) & he’s being all chummy and mentions his friend “V” and that they should hookup if he needed anything.

    I also like the Witcher comic @ the beginning but my favourite is the section they did about that BD that you find on a wall and it shows the scene from the beginning of Edgerunners and tells of David Martinez who didn’t head the warning and then you trace it through a fixer eventually Falco (the cool cowboy driver from Edgerunners) gets in touch and tells you to stop looking but he leaves David’s jacket for you

  6. Grotesquefaerie7

    It’s hard to decide. Blade runner, Harry Potter, pulp fiction and John wick are up there

  7. Mention_Human

    Finding a Death Stranding BB pod was pretty great.

  8. gargamels_right_boot

    The Office heart surgeon one was my favorite

  9. GulianoBanano

    Little Smoke and JC’s corpses at a tunnel after a failed train heist

  10. NipplePunish

    Where did you find this? I remember seeing it before

  11. Dapanji206

    My first one is the fact that in this high tech future, the Tier 3 item component is an Arduino Uno.

  12. Resident-Pudding5432

    The mad max one was kinda funny.

    Also death stranding and John wick

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