
Joined the oled gang

Got an lg c2 off marketplace for $500 in perfect condition

by TheFunnayMan


  1. ReverieX416

    Loving the vibe this setup puts off. Also Akira is one of my favorite movies, where did you get that poster?

  2. JWil1986

    Nice, now I have to find that Makima wallpaper 😀

  3. CasherInCO74

    I can’t tell from the pic… What monitor is that?

  4. BrbGettinCoffee1sec

    What gpu do you have? I have a rtx 3060 and not sure it is powerful enough. I use a 34 inch 1440p which seems okay. But want this.

  5. NickRespawns

    Are those passive speakers? What are you using to drive them?

  6. Brian314zak

    Akira was next level! Awesome space, loving the theme.

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