Should de_overpass have been removed from Premier?

Should de_overpass have been removed from Premier?


  1. Firefox72

    No and removing it for Dust 2 is an incredibly stupid decision. I have no clue what Valve is doing with this game anymore.

    Mirage is old and its stale. Who cares if it has the most play % of any map. Does that mean its just never gonna get reworked?

    And Dust 2 is much of the same. The rework did nothing to freshen up the map and now the pool has 2 incredibly stale maps instead of just 1.

  2. Most recent reworked map, one of the more structurally unique and complex maps, one of the maps demanding teamwork, not the least played in pro-play nor in casual play — why on earth is it out?

    Worst of all it is changed with a map that is figured out to death, it has no rework in terms of aesthetic or gameplay, it is universally known as an aim-map, and we know have three sand-maps in a severely limited pool.

    The pool was in a bad and stale state, and they have somehow managed to make it even worse. And it’s not gonna change in at least year, and when they change it it’s obviously not gonna be Dust out, so we’re stuck with this map for years to come. And Mirage is never going anywhere obviously, so there you have the decade-long twins of ”how the fuck are you not bored of these maps already?” continuing to plague the pool.

    Next they will probably take out Nuke for Cache.

  3. ValaranteChild

    Overpass and Anubis are least played ? 
    What could be the reason? Let me guess.

    Fps dropping water in playing areas ?

  4. Full_Cauliflower_393

    It’s funny how for all the hate inferno and vertigo get, they are in the top 3 and I am pretty sure dust 2 will also be #2 or #3 in the future. But goddamn I hate dust 2 with a passion. Imagine how much of a snoozefest a BO3 with inferno, vertigo and Dust2 will be.

  5. _Wormyy_

    Map pool has sucked ever since Anubis anyways, and considering the decisions Valve has been making since basically the start of CS2 it was only going to get worse.

  6. munchk1ng1

    Whats wrong with mirage? One of the more balanced maps that people enjoy no?

  7. KaNesDeath

    As i said in the other thread. My hypothesis is that Overpass was such a low picked map for it was completely remade from the ground up in Source2 for CS2. This resulted in the average casual CS player having issues running the map at a Pc hardware level.

    Like when CSGO was released in 2012. Its going to take a few years for the Pc hardware average to increase among CS2 users. Then we’ll get Overpass and Train back in the Active Duty map pool with Anubis becoming the new Dust2/Mirage.

  8. ImaginationBright599

    Do you have data for regular competitive? Whenever I queued all maps I got Overpass a lot, even more than Mirage.

  9. BattleBitGamer

    Nice to post data which sort of explains why Valve did it. Anubis is simply too new of a map to remove (compared to overpass). Not sure why they want Dust 2 back in so bad, however I am fine with the change. Overpass was a little slower paced compared to Dust 2 so maybe thats why too

  10. azalea_k

    Premier reflects the pro competition map pool, and like vetos is meant to be psychologically meaningful (random cs players doing as the pros do).

    Anubis is widely popular in pro matches as a map pick, but Overpass is somewhere in the middle so still a surprise drop.

    Mirage being so much played in Premier only reflects people overdoing it and not learning other maps.

  11. Smok3dSalmon

    Did the CT spawn point reductions remove the god spawn to rush lower b tunnels like a dweeb?

    Last time I played this map, whoever got that spawn got to push lower B tunnels.

    Now that dust2 has been removed for such a long time, I realized how little I missed the map.

  12. Logical-Sprinkles273

    Because low elo cant figure it out is a bad reason. Pro games are great on it

  13. itamarvr46

    Glad to see Vertigo doing better – such a good map – not as iconic as Nuke but def with the capacity to be there – requires IQ and isn’t traditional
    I love it

  14. itamarvr46

    I think Thera should be placed in – urgently!
    To keep things fresh and mix things up a bit

  15. While I always see a lot of posts when these things come up saying Vertigo is the worst and it needs to be removed instead, I find it is a relatively popular map in premier at least in NA. Feels like the second most common map to be picked after Mirage in my own selective experience.

    But I agree that Vertigo sucks and gets very not fun to play very quickly lol.

  16. Should have taken another map and added train but NOOOOO. We played so much fucking train in go and cs2 Is so boring without it 🙁

  17. UnicornOfDoom123

    I never really liked overpass but I certainly dont prefer dust2.

  18. fkiceshower

    I hate op and love d2 so I’m OK with this, although d2 hasn’t really been the same since they blocked mid sightline

    It feels like you have someone in lower b tunnel every other round and I didn’t really mind smoking cross on CT since b was ez to defend with only 1 smoke

  19. Ed_Vilon

    I mean the clear result should be Mirage.

    It’s overplayed, hasn’t been updated in eons, and has been at every Major from CSGO to now.

  20. derekburn

    Overpass was absolute dog shit to play on in pugs, but d2 was never much better and a skeptical replacement.

  21. Impossible-Raisin-15

    how is anubis so far down i swear it’s the easiest map to learn after mirage and ancient

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