
What are the best *looking* consoles and home computers of all time?

What are the best *looking* consoles and home computers of all time?


  1. WraithCadmus

    Yes I’ve gone with a controversial cover image. I suspect this will come down to age, I’m nearly 40 so ‘angular’ is forever cool to me, things like the Toyota MR2 or Lamborghini Countach fall into the same category.

  2. the_turn

    I haven’t seen a Master System for 30 years and absolutely didn’t realise they were this sexy.

  3. The_-Whole_-Internet

    The N64. That curvy minx will forever have my heart

  4. NJ_Goodfellas

    SMS looked great. The controller was shit though. The rubber for the d-pad would wear out over time. And the lack of the pause button on the controller was also a short sited idea.

  5. roto_disc

    Vanilla PS4 is the best looking console in history.

  6. thefightingmongoose

    As an aside, did anything ever actually use the card reader slot at the front of the master system?

    I had one and lots of games for it, but never found one that used that thing.

  7. PastorofMuppets-

    The original gameboy. Not only was it an innovative mobile gaming device you could also club a seal with it

  8. Smart_Ass_Dave

    I think Dreamcast.

    I have a lot of classic Nintendo nostalgia and regularly play old games on original hardware, but I don’t find the old consoles themselves to be particularly stunning. An n64 feels nostalgic, but not beautiful. The dreamcast was sleek and understated, but didn’t succumb to Microsoft “VCR” aesthetics. Though I do prefer that to Sony’s “grooves and fins” style.


    I’m a big fan of the grey Japanese sega saturn.

    Really, every console sega made had a cool design.

  10. mrhippoj

    I think the original PS2 is the best looking console ever, and I’d have to give a shout out to the Dreamcast (especially the European one with the blue swirl), and the Wii when it’s on its stand

  11. hawkiowa

    Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The touch of those buttons. Hmmmm.

  12. Affectionate_Fly1387

    Not a console, but the original Commodore C64.
    Beige, brown and round and a cassette player

  13. CorncobTVExec

    I don’t know guys. The Atari 2600 with that wood paneling is just 🔥

  14. PalicoHunter

    Although it was slightly generic I absolutely adored the Gamecube. Certainly had some quirks with the carry handle and being so small.

    Man I miss that console 😭

  15. nakerusa

    Colecovision was ALL business and became a monster when you had all the expansion modules plugged in. Loved the roller controller! Could be my nostalgia glasses though.

  16. Xbox One X is my favorite looking console. It’s the perfect size. The Silver PS2 was pretty slick too

  17. Bulls187

    This looks like something from the First Order in Star Wars

  18. ironchef8000

    The Wii was pretty slick and minimalist before that was quite so big a thing. As for computers, there was back around the original iMac time an iCube or something of the sort that I always liked.

  19. TheMassiveLiability

    PS2 slim is my favorite, the thing is tiny and sleek.

  20. The gamecube. No if ands or buts.

    Even the disks were *aesthetic*

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