[Thorin] vertigo has been around since 2019. Name even five games on it that would be classified as bonafide classics. You can’t. If you try you’ll be reaching once you’re even one or two in.

[Thorin] vertigo has been around since 2019. Name even five games on it that would be classified as bonafide classics. You can’t. If you try you’ll be reaching once you’re even one or two in.


  1. I just remember spamming smokes, the same 3 smoke executes, awful sounds, falling off the map and hitting the same site

  2. Particular_Fee_9262

    yeah, i wouldn’t even go as far as saying it’s a bad map to play in matchmaking or pugs. But watching it in pro play is abysmal. It’s the same shit every round. 4 run up and try get A ramp control while 1 lurks B and sees if he can get a pick. Rinse and repeat.

  3. Pokharelinishan

    Ah yes the ramp smoke spam simulator classic.

    Fuck vertigo.

  4. InvertedWhale

    Imperial vs C9, Sh1ro goes insane to go to Legends. That’s the only one I can remember as insane, as an old-head BR fan. Albeit I don’t remember what major it was lol!

    But I am not a big vertigo fan anyways.

  5. MechaFlippin

    i hate it when I have to agree with Thorin, but I agree with Thorin

    Shit map

  6. Vertigo at its core is an anti-counter-strike map.

    Like the map was designed to go against every core element of what makes CS a great game. The main points are:

    1 – You have to shift walk pretty much the whole round, on both sides.

    2 – The new grenades in CS2 can pretty much cover the entire map regardless on which lane you are, on both sides.

    3 – CS will just never have a sound engine good enough for vertical audio.

    Combine all this and you’ll never have any memorable moment happen.

  7. Can people name five games of any map that are classics?

    Imo Vertigo is fine and unique. It changed a lot in CS2 with new timings, smokes working differently etc.. I also think that the Astralis vs Liquid where they picked Vertigo and anti strattet that is one of the most iconic moments of modern cs.

  8. uninformed-but-smart

    I like vertigo in my low elo premier games. It feels good to play a map that isn’t desert themed like Mirage or Anubis, now even D2, but is also clean and doesn’t have too much clutter like Inferno and Overpass, and is not a FPS killer like Ancient.

    Vertigo is my second favorite map at the moment, second only to Nuke. Now I’m a low elo guy, don’t play Faceit, I’m as Casual as Casuals get.

    I appreciate Vertigo sticking around in Premier, as nobody plays anything other than Mirage D2 in competitive gamemode.

    With that said, I tend to avoid Vertigo pro games because it’s fucking boring to see 5 players spam a smoke, or people shift around the map, or do the same three executes.

    I think Volvo are trying to cater towards everyone, casual, Chinese, pro scene etc. I think map pool will change again after Shanghai, with one of Mirage or Vertigo cut off for Cobble or some other map, (hopefully Cache).

  9. buttplugs4life4me

    Faze v Spirit Last Major. 

    Falcons + Simple against whoever, for the simple reason that choosing vertigo with simple is the stupidest shit ever done and an abject lesson that a shit team making shit decisions can’t be carried by a GOAT on his permaban map. 

    I could probably think of one or two more especially since those two are only this year. I think Navi defeated Spirit on Vertigo as well? And I think there was an upset from Big this year as well. 

    The question is at which point does something become a classic. I can think of tons of classics on D2 or Train or Cache or Cobble, but that doesn’t mean they’re great maps. They’ve just been around longer

  10. No_Swan_9470

    Does this guy do anything but bitch about CS on twitter all day?

  11. chaRxoxo

    The problem with Vertigo is also why it probably wasn’t removed: it’s a simple straight forward map, which is why teams play it rather than ban it.

    This means that there are few teams who specialize in it because it’s a very “flat” map tactically. However it’s also an easy map to float in your map pool as a 4th/5th/6th map because it’s easier to sustain due to the simplicity of the map.

    WHich then again, feeds into the point Thorin is making: you rarely get epic clashes on maps that both teams just float in their mappool with little tactical depth.

  12. thorin is an abolute clown but he does have one good take per decade. this is one of them.

  13. Intrepid-Isopod-1319

    Astralis vs. Team Liquid 2019 Berlin Major

  14. craygroupious

    Meanwhile, this G2 M80 match has everyone on the edge of their seats. Thorin chatting shit as usual.

  15. Mainbaze

    I remember quite a few but can’t name them. Can’t name on any other maps either really. Maybe inferno and train? But looks where those are now.

  16. ToastOnBread

    Faze vs Spirit comes in to mind. Watched plenty of good cloud9/former gambit games on it the former 9ine squad also a joy to watch.

  17. NephewChaps

    thorin being posted in this sub in 2024 year of our lord kekw

  18. The funny thing is one of the top 3 moments on vertigo is literally a team picking it in a major. Not anything on the map itself, just a team picking it

  19. wisdomoftheages36

    This dude whines way too much about the game

  20. KaizerQuad

    I agree with Thorin for once. Map just doesnt work.

  21. TheBestTurtle_

    I’m just gonna keep playing mirage anyway

  22. dying_ducks

    vertigo is an awesome map.

    Its a skill issue to not like it. 

  23. porklorneo

    I think you could say Australia picking Vertigo against Liquid in the major is a classic, but that is given the context of how wild that pick was – not so much the game.

  24. MinionsAndWineMum

    I don’t have as strong an opinion on this map (or anything CS compared to this guy) but the real shitter is bringing in Dust II over a new map or even like, train? It’s just the most uninspired decision

  25. c9 vs ence purely for the cultural impact of sh1ro crying

  26. MooMooHeffer

    Everyone talking about how slow vertigo is… no teams rush A on Overpass and CT’s utility usage now a days has made B a slower site to take for T’s as well.

    Overpass is about picks… I like playing the map but it’s a very slow and sometimes boring map to watch. I think adding another way into site B would make the map more interesting.

    The way I played Overpass In even 2020 with my team is vastly different to how I play the map in 2024. Even with Dust2, a lot of what you saw in 2020 will still be done in 2024 in terms of trying to get control of long a or something. Instant action usually when that happens.

  27. Imperial – Cloud9, Faze – Spirit, after that it’s hard, i think i’ve seen one or two more crazy vertigo games but they weren’t important enough or the teams weren’t memorable enough. But that’s it

  28. Mustardwhale

    I love vertigo fun to play and fun to watch. Now Mirage, inferno and overpass(dust 2 now) . Jeez we need some variety. I kinda wish we got cache, train, and a good version of cobblestone. Or even Thera. Fuck I would accept any new map. The worst part of this new update is them adding dust 2 to premier. It’s such a lazy change.

  29. Name five bonafide classics on every map. You can’t. If you try you’ll be reaching once you’re even one or two in.

  30. Mirai_Shikimi

    Furia boost on vertigo
    Lynn vision vs G2 as Starry was smashing them and China decided kids cant paly anymore

  31. Bob_Bobinski4

    Put this in the twitter thread but I’ll put it here too.

    Astralis-Liquid EPL 9 quarters and Berlin Quarters.

    Faze-Spirit Copenhagen.

    Vitality-Liquid EPL 16 grand finals map 5.

    Cloud9-Imperial 0-2 IEM Rio challengers stage (6-15 comeback from C9 to eliminate imperial in front of the Brazilian crowd).

    Cloud9-Vitality IEM Rio 2023 (3-12 comeback from Vitality off an insane dupreeh T side into overtime win.

    G2-Furia from IEM Dallas 2022 quarters was also pretty good, furia had a great T side comeback from 14-8 down.

    The reason there haven’t been a ton of great vertigo games is because over a year was online and none of those could be considered “instant classics” and in addition vertigo is seen more of as a specialist map for some teams which means it’s rarely map 3. Another issue is NAVI, Faze, and G2 all avoid vertigo when possible which makes it appear in playoffs significantly less since those are three of the four most consistent playoff teams since COVID.o

  32. Pepa1337

    We get it guys, you are bad at vertigo, no need to hate it so much

  33. Lmaoism_

    VertiGOAT prevails again thank god I no longer have to watch Overpass games where T sides get shafted every round “Wow they got 3 T rounds what a match!!!” D2 coming back in blows though we need Cache to get remade soon.

  34. chrisrjdk

    It’s infuriating that they refuse to admit defeat on this map. It’s bern horrendous ever since it was introduced! Anubis is awful as well(not as bad as Vertigo), and now they took out probably the most distinctive map to put in D2 which was really lackluster in its last go round. Map pool is by far the worst its ever been, which is so sad given that we’re otherwise in pretty exciting times right now

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