What’s your Best Slide Kill Loadout: Gun, Gunsmith, Perks… everything?

What's your Best Slide Kill Loadout: Gun, Gunsmith, Perks… everything?


  1. One shot shotgun seems to work well. I hate the slide kill tasks. Managed to complete this one tonight so at least I don’t have to do it any more

  2. Jackson_Rhodes_42

    Last time I needed slide kills, I used the Striker and Echo.

  3. HakeemLukka

    HS2126 and optimise it for burst rather than one shot. Play shipment hard point and your are good to go.

    I regularly use this gun in ranked so my task got complete without much effort.

  4. nikkismith182

    I’ve been using the Striker (shotgun) on shipment with hipfiring, and changed my operator to equalizer. It’s not going *quickly*, but defo a lot quicker than it would be for me without.

  5. robotdesignwerks

    prizefighters in domination pubs is the way. the other shit doesnt matter.

  6. AlexRosefur

    Qq9 is my go to for slide killin. Can’t remember the gunsmith but I have the melting point leggy I named the PP-melter.

  7. Revolutionary-Play79

    Gungho allows you to slide and hipfire simultaneously

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