
New WFH setup, THOUGHTS?

Feel free to message me for innovative desk idea I came up with

by B_Burnss


  1. fliesenschieber

    Super inviting. The wood paneled wall is great.

  2. Merkin666

    Looks nice. Can you link the butcher block or whatever it is.

  3. Top_Industry7357

    Very nice, needs some form of warm lighting

  4. Toast_Meat

    You need a PC and the case should be a Fractal North in black.

  5. Citizen_Edz

    I’d get some more greenery in to the setup, maybe some hanging plants or something on the shelves.

    I’d think about moving the Alex drawer to the other side of the table, make it feel a little roomer. But that might destroy the cozy feeling of the setup. But moving the Alex to the right would be wonderful if you get a desktop pc one day. And if you do, pls get a Fractal Noth case in black. That would look so sick.

    I get the monitor a little more centerd, with the laptop more to the side

    Very well done!

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