How many guns you have gold for?

I only have 4


  1. Ok-Individual355

    all of them on my main, and a few on my alt

  2. All of them, i’ve had damascus for years now

  3. I_Once_Ponch_a_Monke

    dlq, rytec, kilo, pkm, ksp and in a few more kills ill have a gold machete

  4. asymmetric_settings

    I only have to finish the mg42 then I’ll be fine with all of em…. again

  5. Geezerker

    All of them; full Damascus for a long, long time. Working on full Diamond now but that’s a longer slog haha

  6. Just a little colection:
    Kalil(first gold);icr;rytec,makarov(i refuse to call dobrava);SKS and wooden rifle(and im over level 140 and i just have this little colection because i was just playing with icr,now im close to getting on MK2 and is impossible to get a single one in launchers)

  7. TheGremshire

    All of them, joined Damascus club last year.

  8. OtherTip7861

    Grinded out damascus then quit lol il be back but im sure itll be a minute

  9. Ok-Bet-1917

    i have only 8 smgs and 2 launchers to do to get damascus

  10. Stormtendo

    All the melees, all the marksman’s, almost all the snipers, about 1/3 of the shotties, a couple AR’s, maybe 1 LMG

  11. Craigles-

    All my guns and secondaries are diamond except the latest MG42 which is halfway to diamond

  12. backslash447

    All secondaries, Marksman, LMG’s and Shotguns. Also a few ARs and SMG’s. Not really trying to grind for anything either I just love trying new guns

  13. Responsible_Ad_9602

    All of them and 80+ diamond camo

  14. Pokemonlover6767

    M4 was my first and I’ve been going from there I might be 8 guns and most melee

  15. Burreattoe1

    All of them, except for the newest LMG. I unlocked it during my lunch, so the grind can now begin…

  16. InfiniteNegatives

    20, tec 9 was my last one. Mac-10 is next,

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