
Played it, loved it, forgot about it… until now. Bioshock Infinite is just a beautiful game, it feels great to go back ELEVEN years later!

Played it, loved it, forgot about it… until now. Bioshock Infinite is just a beautiful game, it feels great to go back ELEVEN years later!


  1. cyborgcolossus

    The robust color palette looks so good on an OLED.

  2. Automatic_Mortgage79

    Man … Now I’ve to play it too

  3. MoronicBehaviour

    I love going back and playing all 3 games. I love the environments of all of them. Might need to play again soon.

  4. -Vanimar-

    That’s one game I never actually played. I need to do something about that!

  5. StonewoodNutter

    The first time I played Infinite, I was mesmerized. Like, I thought it was one of my favorite games.

    Then after thinking on it, I realized the story is dumb as fuck and the gameplay is bland corridor shooting from a lost era of shooters. It dropped most of the RPG and exploration elements that made me love the first two games.

    Game is visually breathtaking though, that’s for sure.

  6. erisxnyx

    The music is great too. I’d actually stay hours listening to the God only knows singers in the 1st level.

  7. GrandTheftAssassin

    I recently started it again but left it in the middle due to some work, but boy I was immersed in it, I hated it the first time I played it in 2015 I think.. but this game has aged well and now that I was playing it slowly I was enjoying it more.

  8. ReeceMedway11

    I replayed it at the start of this year after not playing it since it came out and genuinely loved it just as much maybe even more this time around. Personally my favourite in the bioshock universe

  9. Gr8Vngnz

    I loved the Burial at Sea DLC. Going back to Rapture was amazing.

  10. sufferpuppet

    Downloading the collection now on Switch. $10 on sale for all 3.

  11. Ben_steel

    I loved it so much played the shit out of it, the story was super engaging and I loved the plot twists. Are there any recent games like this? My only issue was it was just a bit to linear in terms of levels but the actual game play and story made up for it

  12. Krejcimir

    Beautiful game, with dogshit arena combat.

    Replayed Bioshock 1,2 multiple times. But infinite only twice with a decade difference.

    But burial at sea is one of the greatest expansions.

  13. bourbon_ruinedit

    Sigh. I missed out on it back in the day. Played the first two. Worth going back even now?

  14. TrevorMc21

    Never played any of them. Is it to late to go in or do they still hold up ? With the craze I tried to play Fallout 3 for the first time since I missed it, the game doesn’t hold up at all gameplay wise.

  15. I didn’t know what to expect, so while looking to get to the main gameplay I accidentally speed-run the whole game.

  16. TheHomesickAlien

    as a game, it’s pretty cool. as a bioshock game, it’s bad. I just replayed it (for like the 5th time) last week during a marathon of all games and dlc in the series, and I feel that the gameplay is by far the weakest.

    the variety of enemies is so low (no bosses other than 4 handymen..? no songbird fight???), the gunplay doesn’t have any charm to it (no jury-rigged upgraded models, and only 2 guns at a time), the voice acting is tiring (breathy-ass lady and action-voice man), the story is heavy-handed and politically very clumsy, and so many of the features they touted before release were scrapped (dynamic AI, tears, exploration).

    They bit off more than they could chew and instead coughed up a half-digested hairball. It is a visually and aurally stunning game, though, and the vigors are very fun to use despite being far less necessary for combat and exploration than they were in previous titles. If anyone is looking to go back to bioshock, the first one still reigns supreme, by far. Minerva’s Den of bioshock 2 is also fantastic.

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