Adding current music played on stream would be much appreciated

Adding current music played on stream would be much appreciated


  1. Ah, a fellow NFS Most Wanted Enjoyed
    For me it’s Disturbed – Decadence

    Also yes, ESL needs to do this. There’s always tons of people asking for this. Insane they still haven’t done this.

  2. Pekonius

    With that oldschool racing game style too would be cherry on top. Not only mw but other nfs of that era did it too

  3. greenestgreen

    They used to do it, they also used to publish a spotify list when all the songs. The later was awesome

  4. McClownd

    They should straight up make a new playlist, we are watching 10 guys shooting each other and blowing shit up and have to listen to some generic Taylor Swift ahh music during the breaks

  5. I was just listening to the Most Wanted soundtrack this morning on the way to work lmao. Good taste friend

  6. HosephIna

    If their music didn’t suck it might be worthwhile. I’d rather have an info box about who’s casting, especially if there are any pro players on the desk since I won’t know their voices right away

  7. KaizerQuad

    Most Wanted is the goated racing game. And the music played a huge part.

  8. Bradfox17

    NFS MW 2005 MENTIONED RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

  9. Due_Map_4666

    Was just listening to this song. Most wanted is amazing!

  10. EatThisBussy

    This is probably a tired opinion, but I just wish ESL would ditch the shit music and go the Blast route of getting their own music made and sticking to it. Blast really did a great job of making a sound track that is very understated but recognizable. It really is the only TO where I won’t mute stream the moment it goes to break

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