
As someone that was never interested in card games, I am 30 hours into Midnight Suns and it’s completely because the banter between characters is worth it alone.

As someone that was never interested in card games, I am 30 hours into Midnight Suns and it’s completely because the banter between characters is worth it alone.


  1. chef_simpson

    Great game, I agree – the personality/banter and voice acting were great

  2. Zelstrom

    Bought this in the recent Steam sale, having a great time with it.

  3. Ambitious-Visual-315

    Love this game. Only gets weirder and better.

  4. BrandoCalrissian1995

    Meanwhile if I could skip all the cutscenes and banter and just go battle to battle it would be a perfect 10/10 instead of a solid 8/10 for me.

  5. zanziTHEhero

    Very fun game. The dating simulator part of the game is both unnecessary and strangely endearing lol

  6. Trajen_Geta

    An amazing game, a lot of potential. I hope this system is spun off into another series. This games life is done because of the poor performance but 100% worth the price.

  7. LordofSuns

    I’m about 15 hours in atm, enjoying it so far. Interesting delving into areas of Marvel lore that is rarely explored with the Old Gods etc

  8. Superb_Recover_6116

    this is a card game? I think I might download it myself

  9. reQoo1Em

    yeah I liked the game quite a bit, didn’t finish it though.

  10. VermilionX88

    It was a pleasant surprise

    I wanna see them do another one with avengers academy, X Men academy, and strange academy

  11. imapersonmaybe

    The combat was just so fun. Shoulder checking a hydra turd into an exploding barrel and exploding 3 other hydra turds felt so good.

    Don’t sleep on Nico, she’s the heaviest of the heavy hitters.

  12. WickedFox1o1

    So for those who have played it would you recommend it? I planned on getting the ultimate edition once it goes on sale again on Xbox.

  13. I really enjoyed it… until I suddenly became absolutely bored to tears with it and quit abruptly.

  14. Games fantastic. Firaxis really made another amazing tactical game after X-Com and had the perfect amount of story and really fun gameplay.

    I just wish there was even more DLC and characters available. Imagine like an MUA lineup with like 50+ playable.

  15. orbitpro

    I picked this up last year because I wanted to play something similar to Xcom. Great game, tried to tell my friends but they didn’t want to give it a go. I really like how they handle you are super strong and give you loads of weaklings to beat up

  16. Agent101g

    Every time I finish a mission on this game, I am faced with a choice. Play abbey-story-dating-sim mode for the next 30 minutes or do something else. I ALWAYS do something else. Because of this I only play this game in 40 minute bursts, 30 minute prep 10 minute mission then go do something interesting.

    It’s so mind numbingly slow, I would kill to be able to skip things faster. I just want to fight, I don’t want to help Iron Man with his existential crisis while he tells me no fewer than 10 dad jokes in the one conversation.

    Shame cuz the combat is amazing. I’m starting to wonder if every battle is gonna take place on a small square stage though… there’s no level design like in XCOM, everything’s just a rooftop square.

    Also, let me say that by comparison, Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot of non-combat story driven content, but they gamified it DnD style with dice and multiple outcomes that make it fresh. Also a whole world to explore instead of just the Abbey grounds. So yeah, it can work, but I don’t feel like it works very well here is all. Still the best Marvel game I’ve seen since UMVC3.

  17. PainOfDemise

    It definitely surprised me and I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.

  18. Grizzchops

    I like this game more and more as I go. The story is cool, the mechanics are good, it’s deeper than I thought it would be.

  19. Nobodyknowswho2

    Got to play a little on some xbox free play days a while back… bought it when it went on discount. Very entertaining game.

  20. Waxenberg

    Great game but the forced interaction with characters killed the motion for me. I just wanted to keep the battles going but after every mission there’s like 20-30min talking/interactions.

  21. Somasonic

    I really enjoyed it too and also had no interest in card games previously. Was drawn in by the Marvel aspect and was really surprised how much I enjoyed the combat side of it. I understand all the criticisms and for me it could have had a touch less of the life simulator (just a touch mind you) but otherwise I’ve no complaints and really liked it.

  22. This game is a large part of why we don’t have Xcom 3 yet, and for that I’ll never forgive it.

  23. HeilYourself

    I started playing after 30ish hours in BG3. Good lord the voice acting is…. definitely there.

    Decent enough asa tactics game, but unless you’re still enamoured with snarky MCU writing you might want to skip all the dialogue.

  24. GingeContinge

    Excellent game, super bummed they abandoned it

  25. Nail_Biterr

    I was about to buy it and I’ll glad I didn’t. Because it’s now part of the PS library. It’s the next game in my queue to play

  26. Fine, you convinced me. After debating over buying this since it was released, I finally pulled the trigger.

    It’s currently 75% off on steam ($25 CAD), so I figure it’s an easy win.

    Maybe it will cure me of my Balatro addiction 🙂

  27. JerbearCuddles

    I been playing the hell out of the game the last couple weeks. I think this game handles banter between characters better than the MCU does. Not every discussion needs to be a quip overload. Even Deadpool has character moments. Yeah, he cracks jokes. But the discussion still has heart to it. I dunno man, I am really mad that I let online discourse dissuade me from buying this game earlier. It’s amazing imo.

    I am guessing it has to do with the fact Marvel fans don’t care for the combat and XCOM fans feel it lacks that XCOM feel. So it didn’t overly appeal to anyone. Also the grind can be really annoying. Re-rolling for useful mods isn’t fun nor is the constant need to grind Intel, essence and credits. Bloats the game more than it needed to. Because of licensing and stuff, I doubt we’ll ever see a sequel or another Marvel game. But the game has a fantastic foundation that could have been built upon. I bet a sequel for this game would have gone really hard.

    I wonder what Firaxis has planned outside of just Civ 7, I am a huge fan don’t get me wrong. But I’d love another game from them like Midnight Suns. The relationship stuff I thought they did very well. Cut out the bloat and they would have gone as close to perfect as they could have.

  28. MassiveRepeatX

    The card aspect of the game is kinda misconstrued too much. It’s essentially just a turn based strategy game like X-com but they use cards instead of menus.

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