Counter-Strike 2

is the CS2 cheating problem really that bad? (in-depth look)

subscribe to my alt for clips/epic movement moments: @Tr2p
sorta shitposty video but i think my insight is more useful then most videos that have come out in this style. less complaining more explaining and gaming. Sub if u enjoyed this it helps a lot.

some of the music:

“CS2 Movement Mastery”
“Master CS2 Movement”
“CS2 Jumps”
“CSGO to CS2 Jumps”
“Advanced CS2 Techniques”
“CS2 Advanced Tricks”
“CSGO Player CS2 Tricks”
“CS2 Movement Skills”
“CSGO Skills in CS2”
“CS2 Speedrun”
“CS2 Pro Moves”
“CSGO Pro Moves in CS2”
“CS2 Strafing”
“Strafing in CS2”
“CSGO Strafing CS2”
“CS2 Bunnyhop Guide”
“CS2 Bhop”
“Bhop CS2”
“CSGO Bhop to CS2 Bhop”
“CS2 Edgebugging”
“Edgebugging in CS2”
“CSGO Edgebugging to CS2”
“CS2 Movement Tutorial Advanced”
“Advanced CS2 Jumps”
“CS2 Pro Movement”
“CS2 Slide”
“Slide in CS2”
“CSGO Slide to CS2”
“CS2 Air Strafe”
“CSGO Air Strafe in CS2”
“CS2 Jump Techniques”
“CS2 Pro Gameplay”
“CS2 Game Mechanics”
“CS2 Movement Mechanics”
“CS2 Movement Tips”
“CS2 Player Guide”
“CS2 Climbing”
“CSGO Climbing to CS2”
“CS2 Map Secrets”
“CS2 Map Movement”
“CS2 Parkour Techniques”
“CS2 Speed Tricks”
“CS2 Quick Movement”
“CSGO Quick Movement to CS2”
“CS2 Edgebug Techniques”
“CS2 Edgebug Tricks”
“CS2 Bunny Hop Tricks”
“CS2 Strafe Jump Tricks”
“CS2 Player Movement”
“CS2 Gameplay Guide”
“CS2 KZ Tutorial”
“CS2 KreedZ Guide”
“CSGO KZ in CS2”
“CS2 Pro Movement Tutorial”
“CS2 Competitive Movement”
“CS2 Movement Tricks and Tips”
“CS2 Movement Secrets”
“CS2 Skillful Movement”
“CSGO Skills in CS2”
“CS2 Gameplay Techniques”
“CS2 Master Movement”
“CS2 Speed Jumping”
“CSGO Speed Jumping to CS2”


  1. mid vid (farming lol, next video is better) BUT EVERYTHING IS REAL I HAVE 1.4k hrs SINCE CS2 REPLACE!!!

  2. i noticed if you play 5 stack it's more likely to get rly sus accounts against you. With that being said it's way more than just 1 cheater every game we try to play

  3. I play csgo since 2017 and never seen a spinbot cheater. But like 1 month ago I had my first encounter and he got kicked. We tied that game on purpose after. Also there's cheaters that can crash out opposite team and these one is really common encounter for me. And it's always the Chinese guys smh

  4. i didnt play cs2 for months, came back and first game against 5 spinbotters

    my other 4 teammates had them in their previous game which made me feel bad for them lol

  5. I think most community members are bandwagoning to be outspoken about it hoping something is done about it rather than actually quitting. I quit over it tho, got over 21k wanted to keep climbing and got 6 cheater games in a row, got other games to play. Not worth it.

  6. The fuck you talking about open up the leaderboards and see for yourself the ranking numbers which are not there are literally people who are banned. Thousands of em and probably all of them are cheaters at this point.

  7. Hiding cheats and learning to take a few impactful rounds while also dying and pretending to get caught off guard is a whole skill itself, with an infinite skill ceiling as well.

    CSGO had more sweaty players like that n CS2 has more spintrolls n people who want to rank up the acc fast n sell.

  8. spinners are just on their way to HvH at higher ranks. Just surrender and let them be at those ranks you will never ever reach to see them again.

  9. ive been cheating since csgo but yeah it has never been this bad, not even remotlely – even i as a cheater think the game is basically unplayable now because up until ~15k you exclusively meet legits (or very, very bad cheaters), and after ~20k its exclusively ragers / hvh games

  10. I get an average of 8 cheaters per game, 4 on my team (except me) and 4 on their team. 8 cheaters each game in 10 games in a row. So yea I don't know how can you say you only get 1. I get spinbots HvH every game, at 15k Elo.

  11. you'll see a lot of people comment something along the lines of "past x rating, game is unplayable" but i haven't touched premier since november. i lab mouse/sens stuff in mm to avoid griefing faceit lobbies and if i play 10 matches in a day, usually around 7 of those matches have at least one cheater. this is what i consider a casual game mode and these people are still closet in it. like you said in the video, the game is a breeding ground for terrible players to closet. in many cases, they'll play really high sens in an attempt to look snappy. but it's so cringe because their version of snappy still lacks proper angle switching and crosshair placement. they genuinely convince themselves that pro players can react and shoot the way they are with their cheats. the cheats also seem to have movement route starting points or something along those lines. i'll see people walk like a bot to very specific spots on a map and then do crazy backwards perfs like vent to bench to vent. if you call them out they'll seriously try to gaslight you into thinking they're a tier3 pro or something. it's so disgusting how prevalent this type of cheating behavior is. i never mind spinners because they're not cosplaying as someone with skill.

  12. I do have spinbotters, however the amount of closet cheaters is also up there with the spinners, and the funniest thing is, i believe most of them dont have a clue about cs2 gamesense, movement, common angles, ect ect. so when you ask them if theyre cheating they will try so hard to defend themselves as legit, but dont realise that someone like me and my mates who have been playing for a long time, can see past alot of the shit these cheating silvers do, also, funny when the cheaters on the other team, think you're cheating because of the use of a headset and a brain is just incomprehensible

  13. another factor to consider is the fact that legit players like myself simply don't see the point of playing anymore. i haven't played the game in months and i have no intention of coming back until the cheater issue is fully fixed. this creates a higher ratio of cheater to legit players as legit players disappear from the game.

  14. matchmaking has been completely fine but i have met a few cheaters in premier, but i barely play premier as i dont find it as fun as matchmaking

  15. "it was never a full team of legits vs another spinner"

    lil bro missed the boosting arc in 2014-2016 apparently lmao

  16. You're literally silver 2 in mm with 2k premiere elo. Why do you think you have the authority to speak on this topic when most cheaters are at and above 17-18k in premiere and rarely ever in matchmaking?

  17. as someone who HAS cheated in cs2 within last 2 weeks, every single game i watch people look at me through walls, prefire me, triggerbot, spin, rage every single thing. you wont realise they are cheating because most high level closets are insanely good at hiding it

  18. I have that happen a lot in casual. I have over 3k hours between 3 accounts and I play with scout a lot and get a lot of headshots and I prefire a lot of common play spots the wall bangable spots and players accuse me of cheating and then the next round after they accuse me they turn into donk or if they get made enough they go beyblade.

    At this point I just play for the weekly drops. I already avoided competitive knowing cheaters were rampant but it's even flooding casual / unranked modes now so the game in it's current state sucks.

  19. You are so dumb omg.
    People who cheated in csgo not that didnt care about losing the game, they had to legit cheat and hide it for overwatch. So if they were bad and couldnt win, they rather lost the game then risk getting overwatched.
    And in CS2 people that spin against legits are only the people who dont have a rank yet and they wanna get to the higher elo as fast as possible to get into HvH games
    Not that they rather play against legits ragebotting like you have 0 iq if you think that, the real fun is in higher elo where every game is HvH. Thats what theyre trying to get at.

  20. from the perspective of an old cheater, i agree with everything u said in this video. I started cheating a long time ago, back in CS 1.6. In CS:GO, I played legit until others started cheating because I wanted to have chances in some way (before anyone trashtalks me, I'd like you to read this to the end). I agree that cheating is cringe, spin-botting against legit players is totally cringe. This game is really great if you play it clean, and I always wanted to play it without cheats, but the situation in matchmaking somewhat forced me to have any fun with the game, so I started playing with hacks. Now I play Faceit only, and try to fix all those years of cheating that kinda messed up my gamesense. I also believe that when CSGO had the Overwatch system, it was somewhat playable. Unfortunately, Valve sucks (who would've guessed). HvH community is the worst community in the world by the way. People who starts cheating today are even worse. I can forgive some1 playing vs me with walls, but rage aimbot n sh*t? give me a break. I always repeat – Overwatch solves 90% of problems, but no. Let's add 5 stickers on a weapon for players :-DDD

  21. cheating problem is really that bad cuz volvo aka big boy company cant detect the easiest (detection wise) exploits ever. like think about that is it really hard to detect nospread and rapid fire??? yeah exactly

  22. legit quit playing because past 22k is all cheaters either spinning or just being blatant and i couldnt stand it

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