How are people still playing like this

Double trip mine and persistence camping all game with that name 🤦🏻‍♂️, like what enjoyment are you getting and the guy sucks, he got on to another game of mine and he didn't camp and lost with 6 kills and he only plays crossfire and every game he does this, is there a way I can like block him from getting into my game?


  1. AKM7-Goat_and_Wolf

    This is Free For All pub game right?

    Bruh, people play this mode on crossfire primarily for long shots in camo grinds :/. What do you expect people to do, rush mid in the open with a sniper? People camp to get their camo grind done quicker. Heck whenever I play FFA for the 10 kills/game diamond skin grind, I sometimes just go AFK after I get my 10 kills lol – what I mean is, this is FFA pub, nobody cares so much.

    You just helped him by getting triggered by his name because that’s why he even kept such a name in the first place… just leave the pub match, it’s not ranked and you won’t be punished for it anyway…. why stay in the game with him, get sniped and then waste your time getting angry about it and raging about him here?

    TBH, he is way better than weirdos with religious abuse in their names who spam friend requests with abuse in messages till you block them after you beat the shit out of them in-game lol. This guy ain’t so bad actually.

  2. Accomplished_Newt98

    This truly truly sucks! I prefer close combat or spray control…. the Snipers hide and just one tap outta no where as same as Gloves! so my request is to nerf them
    Also its a result of them sniping from far and feeling good , satisfying their crumbling ego and lack of skills
    so my suggestion… if you get killed ny a sniper on MP just feel victorious

  3. I_Once_Ponch_a_Monke

    Crossfire might just be worse than fighting someone with mythics on shipment

  4. LonelyPalpitation176

    I know it’s annoying but it’s really how snipers are meant to be used.

  5. Strong_Ice5944

    HaarKKaisaLaga Lmao 🤣🤣🤣

    It means, how did you feel after being defeated.

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