How’s rank reset treating u guys?

Can’t even be mad at my team,sbmm just fucks me


  1. Tony_theballdoinker

    Yea that’s why I’m waiting till tomorrow. It’s the weekend so no work, and a lot of the sweaty sweats will be higher, just got to deal with the sweats

  2. anonreddituserhere

    Terrible. Idk what’s going on, but this reset seems extra sweaty for some reason. I’m sure it will calm down soon…hopefully.

  3. Mohd_Hussain_Jaffar

    Im not getting time to play even pub matches,cant say about rank my job sucks bro😕😕

  4. Its extra sweaty this season and I love it. Already reach grandmaster as of yesterday and will try to reach legendary this few days if I have the time. I play solo only BTW.

  5. Professional_Law28

    I’m waiting a few days like every season, it’s not worth the effort usually lol

  6. Electronic_Stuff4062

    It’s an absolute blender.It’s either sweats wayy out of my level or an actual bot lobby.
    There’s no in-between where there’s actual competition.Smh

  7. BigG_Wins

    I keep winning, but performance wise I’m far worse than I usually am. And no it’s not the fact everyone from legendary got couped together

  8. johnnielurker

    Is it the toxic thermite mag? even sweats be using it tsk

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