Cyberpunk 2077

Quick question. Why does Judy have frag grenades?

Quick question. Why does Judy have frag grenades?


  1. TheWhiteRabbit74

    Have you even *been* in Night City that long?

  2. StalinkaEnjoyer

    Why would a *gang member* in Night City be carrying *weapons*?

  3. TelemichusRhade

    Why not? sure grenades cause a lot of problems but they also solve a lot of them. They’re not very picky like that.

  4. Flappyboi20001

    If she dies, she’s taking down everyone else with her,

  5. Why not? She’s a smart girl. Girl’s gotta have some protection.

  6. Only_Read_6981

    It could also destroy the mox’s servers in a hurry. As a gang, I imagine it has all kinds of incriminating data down there.

  7. SFDessert

    What? You telling me you *don’t* carry around frag grenades as a practical ccw?

  8. SpartAl412

    Seems like a good thing to have in case the Tyger Claws decide to shoot the place up

  9. Wendell_wsa

    The real question is: Who would be crazy enough to walk around Night City without carrying some grenades?

  10. AmbienSkywalker

    I mean, she lives in Kabuki. I dunno about you, but I sure enjoy lobbing hand grenades at Tyger Claws whenever I’m in the area.

  11. Thatgamerguy98

    Quick question. Do you know what city you are in.

  12. cylonnumber13

    Better to have them and not need em, than to need them and not have em.

  13. LivingEnd44

    For all the horny straight guys that keep trying to mod her to like men. 

  14. You have several types of grenades some of which would be a war crime to use in a war but Judy can’t have simple frags?

  15. RAConteur76

    What, are you a cop? 😉 Nahhh, s’all good, choom. Grenades are small arms around town. NCPD barely gets worked up unless it’s a nuke or a cyberpsycho.

    In all seriousness, unless the complete psychos like Maelstrom show up (in which case, praise the Lord and pass the ammo), conflict situations in Night City are basically a game of “chicken.” Are you willing to push things right to the edge? Can you convince the gangoons that just busted into your place that you’re more ruthless, more murderous, or just outright more crazy than they are? It’s a conversation, of sorts.

    Gangoon: *I’ve got six of my best chooms, locked, loaded, and looking to flatline somebody.*

    You: *I’ve got a hand grenade and nothing to lose. Shall we die together?*

    Living in Night City requires a certain amount of fatalism, an acceptance than life’s a bitch and then you die. The only real questions then become how you choose to go out and how big the samadh will be to mark your passing.

  16. To frag people. What the hell kind of question is that?

    The series answer is Judy is a “techie”. Techies specialize in engineering and use tech weaponry, grenades, and complex cyberware.

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