Cyberpunk 2077

What is the point of this place?

Just noticed it on the map randomly, took a drive up and couldn’t find a single notable thing about


  1. DizzyR06

    If u haven’t realised, that’s a spaceport. To take u to the moon n shit. Hoping u know about Lucy at least

  2. LMGSentientToilet

    Where you travel to inhale the queens holy farts.

  3. charcarod0n

    Uh anyone else getting 5th element flight attendant vibes?

  4. Too_Tall_64

    Is a man not entitled to the rust of his chrome?

    ‘No!’ says the man in Washington, ‘It belongs to the poor.’

    ‘No!’ says the man in the Vatican, ‘It belongs to God.’

    ‘No!’ says the man in Moscow, ‘It belongs to everyone.’

    I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.

    I chose the impossible. I chose… Night City

  5. FeelingSkinny

    uhm….? i thought this was a fan made mod thing at first. i have 340 hours in the game im flabbergasted theres a room of this size i haven’t seen? where is this? i have to go right now lol

  6. jl_theprofessor

    It’s nice to drive to on sunny days.

  7. neremarine

    Wym what’s the point? Orbital Air is operating their Lunar Shuttle service from there. Duh…

  8. Odd-Understanding399

    If you had to ask, you’re not privileged enuff 2 know.

  9. Dendargon

    The real question is whats the point of de choom hiding in the center of the entrance roundabout

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