
I swear this looks better in person

I swear this looks better in person

by Goose_alt


  1. Goose_alt

    I use this for pretty much everything. Drawing, gaming, watching shows or movies or whatever else, and gunpla building. And of course that’s one place I sometimes read at but you can do that anywhere as long as you can see what you’re doing. I’m surprised I could keep it as clean and minimal as it is for as much as I use it for.

  2. I feel that if you kept it to just two colours, so like red and blue and then get like a smart bulb that can colour change to replace the warm light, it would be more aesthetically pleasing personally oooorr just make everything a nice warm light…I dunno…I too struggle to capture how good my setup looks in person compared to how it turns out on camera, it is a nice setup that you got there ☺️

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