Counter-Strike 2

Everyone Is F@*king Leaving CS2

Top CS2 content creators are quitting the game and have pledged not to come back until Valve fixes their anti-cheat.

We’ve truly reached a breaking point. So – who’s leaving? How serious is it? And will this finally force Valve’s hand to do something?

Written & Hosted by: Devil Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)
Edited by: Patrick Weiers (@patrickweiers)
Thumbnail by: Bennett Grainger & William O’Keefe (@magoo_o)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

Footage Courtesy of:

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  1. I left in 2020 jokes on you guys for being fully insane continuing to play it.

    Oh I almost forgot…… laughing out super loud in Vanguard 🤣😆😂🤣😂😭💀

  2. I kinda understand why they "leaving", even on prime casual there is ton of cheaters and they are not afraid showing their cheat off.
    Like "hahaha cheating ftw, screw it!"

    Valve should really quicken their pace for fixing their VAC or whatever their new anticheat is before everything is too late.

  3. IF and only IF valve is working on an anticheat so powerful it will put the fear of god into everyone and everything, then maybe just maybe having to deal with all these cheaters might have been worth it

  4. Lol, for all of these guys shitting on Valorant, they have to admit that you don't see cheaters nearly as often.

  5. I'm actually surprised how nobody talking about that even FaceIt matches have more cheaters. Low level matches are filled with LvL 0 Steam account players with only CS2 owned and 10 hours played doing 32/6/12.

  6. Who cares? They'll be back once Valve fixes the anti-cheat. In the meantime it's better to stay away from this space anyway, the game is ruined by the cheaters and the community is ruined by people who just want to complain for complaining's sake.

  7. Cs2 isn't about competitive gaming it's all about selling digital skins and boxes for rediculus prices. That's how valve makes money and a lot of people don't even care about the game as long as the store is working and making their addicted brains satisfied enough.

  8. VALVE only cares about skins money.. as long as the pros still play tournaments and idiots keep opening cases, VALVE doesn't care if the game is unplayable for normal players

  9. Warowl literally said he isn't quitting the game but that he will only be playing face it due to better anti cheat. The sentiment is still the same but it makes y'all look click baity.

  10. I don’t care that employees at valve can work on whatever the fuck they want. They need a fucking dedicated development team for this game. A fucking cornerstone esport

  11. You're sure this is a priority for Valve??? Is that the same Valve that most of us has been suffering with for years?? What if they are working on nothing at all and just laughing all the way to the bank with our money?! A kernel level anti-cheat is the only thing that will mostly work and they've shown no indication of ever doing that… so it seems like we're just as frakked at always when dealing with Valve games.

  12. This is Valve's cash cow. The lack of communication or visible action is absolutely stunning. As a life long CS player it is absolutely in-fucking-sane.

  13. Counter strike has sucked since GO. Source was the last best thing counterstrike did. Just go play Tribes 3 or The Finals instead. Better games all around.

  14. Every "competitive" game is full of cheaters, companies do not care anymore and the anti cheat is just useless, you are taking your time to report on the real current state of competitive video games, heck, you are not even reporting the DEI mess ruining ips

  15. Good. They are doing too little too late.
    The state of the game is insulting. Valve makes 40 million euro a month just from case openings alone. Wake. Up.

  16. I’ve played cs for over 10 years and I’ve never been this disappointed in the game. Had day one access to the beta and high trust factor but none of that matters, bc it’s either a cheater in the lobby or a toxic teammate. Faceits servers have been real laggy too so idk where the fuck to play other than offline.

  17. So I guess another popular modern multiplayer game is getting a dwindling content creator sphere.

  18. Me and my friends reached 20k elo on premier and when we got there, there are only another party of cheaters. We quit the Game because there is truly nothing up there.

  19. Unfortunately, I don't think anything will happen until the player numbers significantly drop and cases stopped being opened. I know it's unrealistic to ask a creator like anomaly to take a huge hit of revenue to stop CS content altogether, but his words won't sting unless he FULLY goes to a third party gambling site.

  20. Just finished my second premier game of the day which is also the second game today that I encounter a spinbotter.
    Fuck valve
    Fuck cs2
    This game is unplayable

  21. Remember the summer of PUBG? Back when PUBG took the #1 most played slot on Steam? And then cheaters collectively killed the game's reputation until it slowly turned into the "oh I remember that game" game. Yeah, Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  22. Better to always have very low expectations for corporations. Then, if they do something they are supposed to do, like maintain competitive integrity for a game, then you just tell them good job on doing the bare minimum. Understandably though, anti-cheat is a difficult thing.

  23. lol this is like stop going to the hospital cuz doctors dont cure cancer. "just fix it bro"

    Yeah but when you have one cancer form in check, next thing you know three more might pop up. Sure its very good to act and speak up but to completely stop playning cuz Valve cant fix all the cheating forms at once is not the answer. But yes more can be done!

  24. It's so sad to see how much of a cess pool this game has turned into. Anything above 20k elo is unplayable HvH lobbies, anything above Gold 1 in comp is unplayable HvH lobbies. Comp ranks are completely broken, 95% of the player base are ranked Gold 1 or below. I've had TONS of Silver 3-EM lobbies where there's Faceit Lvl 10 players on the enemy team with 50+ comp games played, but they're still in Silver/low gold with 80% WRs.

  25. I played the game for 10 years and quit two months ago. The nonexistent anticheat or lack thereof ruined the game. Even before CS2, it was bad, but now it's unplayable. Valve, you wasted 5,000 hours of my life.

  26. Valve isn't gonna budge. They clearly didn't learn their lesson with CSGO. You'd have to tackle the Steam platform and its markets since that's what carries their revenue.

  27. As much as i hate valorant i havw had to play it to be able to play with my friends im lvl 10 faceit they are 3-7 its not possible to play premeire cause im around 19k too used to be 25k but cheaters woooo

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