[BO] Should I buy COD: Black Ops 2 on the Microsoft Store? It’s currently €15,- and the season pass is also €15,- (normally it’s €50,-). I’d have to buy an Xbox someday to play the game.

[BO] Should I buy COD: Black Ops 2 on the Microsoft Store? It’s currently €15,- and the season pass is also €15,- (normally it’s €50,-). I’d have to buy an Xbox someday to play the game.


  1. Campaign and zombies are fun so you don’t need to play multiplayer to enjoy it. But don’t buy it if you don’t own the console. All cods are eventually suppose to come to gamepass and if you don’t have an xbox I wouldn’t buy something that is old and not usable anyway

  2. ReplacementOk652

    The last sentence should tell you everything you need to know lmao

  3. GrumpyOldTiger

    You’re probably gonna play it for a couple hours then never touch it again. Unless you’re a huge story/Zombies fan

  4. Kitchen-Plant664

    For the campaign I’d say yes but if my experiences with playing MW3 this year are anything to go by then the MP will be full of the most annoying and blatant cheaters you will ever see

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