Call of Duty: Warzone

Can anyone explain to me how this is fair?

Can anyone explain to me how this is fair?


  1. thespeakergoboom

    It’s not. The game aimed for him due to soft aimbot on controller. I quit the game a month after grinding to a 1.2kd and a few wins in solos. Ultimately even though I got better in situations, this is absolute bullshit that will never get changed.

  2. i think you stunned his mate more than him thats why he was able to do that

  3. Aussie_Butt

    lol its not even remotely fair, the game is aiming for them through your stun grenade.

    And some people seem to think this is fine, or even that mouse and keyboard actually has the advantage. Delusional thinking at it’s finest.

  4. str3tchedmonk3y

    We’re still on the controller vs MNK topic? Everyone who plays COD gets it, aim assist is too strong, we all know.

  5. piotrek211

    …but you can aim with your whole bodyy brooo

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