FPS Games

EDGE OF TOMORROW: The Problem of Video Game Genre

Edge of Tomorrow (or Live Die Repeat depending on your geographic location) has a genre problem. It was frequently described as the “ultimate video game film” upon its release in 2014, thanks to its sci-fi military action and a plot revolving around a respawning Tom Cruise—like the futuristic Call of Duty or Battlefield games. Upon closer analysis of its mechanics and systems though… is this accurate? Is Call of Duty like these people described… or is it actually closer to something like The Forgotten City? Grim Fandango? Further, what can this thought experiment tell us about how we discuss video game genres?

Just what kind of game *is* Edge of Tomorrow, anyway? Let’s try and answer that question in this analysis!

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0:00 – Intro
1:03 – Is Edge of Tomorrow Call of Duty?
2:02 – The mechanics of Edge of Tomorrow
3:32 – The answer
5:28 – How games and films handle time
6:27 – The problem with discussing genre in games
8:12 – The REAL answer
8:46 – Outro

Intro text animation by Isaac Holland – http://twitter.com/drazgames

#edgeoftomorrow #livedierepeat


  1. This video was originally published as a Patreon exclusive—I love making videos that are a bit out there like this one, but it's not a style that typically does well for me on my main channel. If you enjoy these slightly less typical videos from me and want to see more, I have a whole bunch (over two hours worth) on my Patreon for anyone at whatever pledge level. Heading over there really helps me with the work I do on these videos and I am eternally grateful for your support. Thanks!


  2. I reckon if I was a major figure in a cult, I wouldn't want anything in my output to actively ask "What if I died immediately?", since that question invites an obvious answer.

  3. To me the very easy comparison would be games like Outer Wilds or Fear & Hunger, where all of your in-game "power" comes from the actual knowledge you have gathered as a player, with a side-dish of getting more comfortable with smaller mechanical skills like movement. The time management, the long pressure-filled runs with the threat of losing all your progress, and the confidence of starting a new run, having everything planned out and knowing exactly what you'll try next

  4. Clearly Edge of Tomorrow is a visual novel, Tom Cruise needs to make all the right answers at the beginning to prevent a "bad end"

  5. It's based on a manga, so that could explain why it's very game-like while at the same time lack the essential mechanics.

  6. Not sure about it being a video game but it certainly looks like a regression type manhwa turned into a westernized movie.

  7. character action game on hardcore 1-life mode. or, scifi devil may cry no hit mode

  8. Clearly the action sequences of Edge of Tomorrow is a rythm game. You learn the right moves, and them perform them at the right time >.>

  9. This film was all I could think about when trying to remember Heartman's name in Death Stranding where I thought his name was Live Die Repeat Man, which wasn't too far off from a Kojima character name lol

  10. I'd say games categories need some fine tuning. Seeing FPS,Action,RPG,Openworld…. On games that are so dissimilar makes the categorization useless. I know it can't be perfect but there has to be a better way to label them. It's like reading the ingredient label on food packaging. At a point it's a jumble of nonsense words that don't tell you anything.

  11. The mech suits from Edge of Tomorrow reminded me of The Surge, which was a souls like. So also kinda matching with a lot of respawning and figuring out boss strategies

  12. Great conversation!
    I remember watching The Raid when it came out and thinking "I've played this" in games like die hard arcade and streets of rage. Sometimes when the credits roll on films like Ready Player One or Guardians 3, I feel like I've just watched somebody play a game with "now let's go here" waypoints and maguffins rather than a characters with motivations and a themes.

  13. The whole setting, to me at least, reminds me of the Titanfall setting. While the whole repeating loop bit reminds me more of Katana Zero before anything else. Dunno, just my first thoughts.

  14. I actually had the thought during this video that edge of tomorrow most ressembled a roguelike mixed with majora’s mask.

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