FPS Games

3.23 PTU Patch notes: Changes to FPS (first person shooter)

3.23 Patch notes: Changes to FPS (first person shooter)
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Spreadsheet toughness tests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OJXg7MQsG_IVTPsmlmZYaxEPK4n4iqnhQx4oigIlJHg/edit#gid=1200824202

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Erkul’s DPS Calculator: https://www.erkul.games/calculator
Olakeen’s Ship Performance Viewer: https://www.spviewer.eu/pages/ship-performances.html?ship=aegs_gladius
nova_rain’s Hardpoint: https://hardpoint.io/
Dabalta’s FPS data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tLIm6_x8DQQK6dMjcs-YHGOc7WI5KeX6TLpfTGRs-CY/edit#gid=1928969391
Component finder:
AterDracones: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TQLeWh0_8C0iuGAiw-VoeUOiokk879E8AaahsxTi9ls/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0
TrazosD: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5LjZ8xFCG1izPj0XY9Zl9iyFuPkUIU7Y1jAHOgwfrY/edit#gid=543995663
thehumangerm: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z6mCw2lLwi7bZitvZa_nKNcZzl767i8vq1-kmUUJuUk/htmlview?sle=true#
Star Citizen – Universal Item Finder: https://finder.cstone.space/
Legacy Fleet’s SPAT tool: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11nI-wLlRjDpsshkY8VLZkHh2jd2mCmWJTIE2VzqZ7ss/edit#gid=1796502168



email (anti bot, remove the blanks): dgiannini @ web.de
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Camural_SC
Reddit: Camural
Spectrum: Camural

PC specs:
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
4 TB NVMe Samsung SSD 990 PRO with Heatsink 4TB
2 TB NVMe SSD Samsung 970 Evo Plus
4K 144Hz 32inch main monitor


  1. Patch notes: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-23-0-eptu-patch-notes
    Item blocking seems to refer to magazines, medpens, grenades, refills, backpacks etc blocking all damage which is suppose to be fixed in 3.23.
    However, item blocking made all weapons do less damage, when hitting those items: zero damage, it was not limited to SMGs.
    CIG seems to think patch notes should be very imprecise and should generate confusion.

  2. All of this sucks. Whoever is in charge and making these decisions is completely out of touch and clueless, but these keybind changes are absolutely unhinged.

  3. Ah yes, the ever loved " ADS to hit your target " will be in the game! Didn't know I bought another Far Cry game.
    Also Cannot wait for this becoming like the old COD lobbies with Grenade Launcher spam also. Will the grenade launcher also have huge spread if not ADS? That would be funny 😀

  4. You could say the magical shotgun choke is for gameplay reasons but then you'd have to explain why all the boring waiting in trains and elevators. The whole thing is all over the place when A has to be realistic but B is very obvious video game logic.

  5. We can only hope that those – few – of us consumers that are attentive understand what that means -> pars pro toto.
    SC was pitched to be a first person universe, with engaging longterm retention. "Easy to learn, takes time to master" as in "have personal development, depth, layers catering to moods and preferences that may or may not change per loop, day, week, month, year", where you and the digital you do everything.
    Now we get the ruZZian publisher game concept. Everything depends on what something you have to do anything, preferably warbond only soon™. And who knows, even if they go full World of Retards and replace eyesight with a shop-item as well. That is not only a consequence of the cheapest staff available with zero experience and no affinity to or even the barest knowledge of gaming whatsoever in too many cases (but presented or sometimes even being in decisive line function), that is intentional. No entity is that > enter many terms here < for that long without some kind of basic underlying agenda.

  6. As a player who frequently engages in the FPS combat in this game and does know the numbers, many of these changes are actually quite good for the health of weapon balance (assuming we keep the high TTKs we have right now). All of the sniper changes are awful, though.

    Magical shotgun chokes are silly.
    Optics increasing aim time, especially a 1x zoom red dot, is silly, because they're meant to make aiming easier, not harder.
    Magical spread reducing lasers are silly. We don't need an artificial reason to use them, once helmets besides combat visors are in, you can use them to gain the functionality of the dynamic crosshair, at the cost of that slot.

    I've made posts on Spectrum saying as much, which gained good traction. Hopefully they take this feedback to heart.

  7. The entire point of red dots and optics is to increase your speed of acquiring a target. Red dots especially should be decreasing ADS time, if anything.

    And the shotgun ADS thing… 🤦‍♂️ I have no words.

  8. I'm actually glad to hear they are starting to give up the pretense of 'immersion' in the name of better gameplay and getting rid of the glaring holographic UIs etc. I can only hope that as they iterate on this they'll make it less of a twitchy shooter. Time to kill of less than a second stacked up against time to recover your body measured in the tens of minutes is not a good choice.

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