Cyberpunk 2077

Do you stick with the same apartment for an entire playthrough, depending on your V?

When it’s a ‘me V’ I usually live at the Japantown Apartment, but for my ‘canon V I’m usually at The Glen. Either way, I usually also keep Northside as a crash pad or for when I need to get off the radar.


  1. MammothExplorer8352

    I always lived in a first apartment, in my opinion the most climatic one. Small, simple, but this is apartment with Johnny’s and V’s connected souls.

  2. WhereisAlexei

    I buy the corpo appartement as fast as I can and I stick my V to it. My V doesn’t have to live in her former mega building with the plebs. 😀

  3. First_Community_2534

    I stick with the first apartment – that’s where my cat is. I usually stash my love interest in Dogtown so I don’t need to deal with the constant texts.

  4. My first play through I just stuck with my main apartment. Love the garage function. But next time I’ll go with a female v and move to Japantown

  5. RandomGeneratnDammit

    At first I got the Glen apartment so I could be in the neighborhood near Coyote Cojo. Seemed right, after Jackie.

    Now I just stick with the Watson megabuilding. Not leaving my cat and my iguana to eat each other.

  6. PullingInward

    Corpo Plaza for date night and Japantown for alone time. Northside to lie low and the Glen for a distraction. Megabuilding is my main pad though. I just love all the characters in that big, busy, ugly block of concrete. Plus I can see my penthouse from the window. Wouldn’t wanna live there irl though.

  7. Objective_Scheme_648

    I’d love if my V could move to an Appartement with Nibbles and the Iguana, but the way it is, she just takes the one closest.

  8. Exhibit_12

    Too much RP brain. I always get multiple apartments.

    The north side apartment is my secret ‘hidey hole’ that no one goes to. So many people seem to be able to send stuff and put stuff in the default apartment. Doesn’t feel safe. Then there’s an apartment to share with a romance interest if that’s in the playthrough. Usually one of the fancier ones.

    I wish there was an addon that would let you use Jackie’s garage as an apartment!

  9. rightphoenix

    I need safe-houses ALL OVER the city. If I can sleep in it, it’s mine

  10. I would like to call some friends and do some party

  11. Alberto116

    I stuck with the first apartment, but once my V partnered up with Judy I ended up returning to her place most of the time.

  12. JaronKitsune

    My V is slowly expanding her network of safehouses as she gains notoriety and influence in the city, working her way up through the price tiers.

  13. I use the 1st apartment because nibbles is there – everywhere else sucks to me bc no nibbles & no Johnny on my couch 🙁

  14. G_ben_flowes

    Only home for me is the one my iguana lives in 🦎

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