Counter-Strike 2

We Reviewed A New CS2 Knife…

Do you like the new Kukri knife and would you prefer it over other CS2 knives?

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  1. Calling the kukri a different Bowie is an insult to the Bowie. (Stop overhating on the Bowie)

  2. Funny he says kukri knives are sniper's knives, considering Sniper in TF2 also has the kukri knife as the default one 😂

  3. please stop bashing this knife, i just unboxed one mw and im trying to sell it and if u tank the prices ill cry

  4. it is a knife which is fine. It's not completely garbage when you pull it but it's not awesome either…

  5. Guys, he is just trying to tank the prices down with the release of this video so he can hella stock up on kukuri knives. Then later on they might update the animations, bam the prices goes up like crazy, and he sells. Big punp and dump moment.

  6. is ironic in tf2 we got skins for the worst kukri blade weapon with skins but not the default kukri and theres csgo with actual kukri with skins

  7. Right click is also dog doo doo, it looks like it flops in your hand and you have carpal tunnel
    Also its so damn tall it goes up to your crosshair

  8. In the draw animation of the butterfly knife u can see how the blade and Right handle traspass all four fingers

  9. Also the non-knife hand is animated extremely weirdly and janky when you pull out the knife

  10. As an IRL knifecollector, imo the buttlerfly should've looked like a Benchmade 42, Benchmade 51 Morpho, Benchmade 62 or Benchmade 47 butterfly knife instead of the one we got. Look them up, way cooler.

  11. if any of you guys ever played Crossfire, that Kukri animation is way better than CS2 pull animation

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