Counter-Strike 2

Are Cheats Better in CSGO or CS2?

Do you think cheating was better in csgo?

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Cheater Profiles: (They have changed their names since the demo)
Liquid $moke – –
San –
ur5541 –
love –


  1. Well considering in CS2 they can shoot you through 6 walls across the map with an AWP as fast as an auto sniper, my money is on CS2.

  2. I'm getting tired of all these hate videos against legit players. TIBAW is so bad at Counter-Strike, he just needs to uninstall. Ruining these players rep's by calling them hackers and making a hate video on them is disgusting! You should be ashamed of yourself, and everyone else who thinks these guys are hacking. I see pros do this on a daily basis. Players like these guys pour thousands of hours into the game to get this good. Stop hating because you aint.

    This is satire and sarcasm for those butthurt dumbasses who think I'm serious.

  3. And Valve will continue to do nothing
    Ironically enough, the game has reached its peak playerbase numbers, and people on reddit still defend this shit, making fun of people who say the game is dead because of high player count numbers.
    1. Honestly, I doubt theres even that much players playing. Most of those are bot accounts and most normal people cant even play the game right anymore because of the higher pc requirements and the cheater infested cesspool
    2. Valve will still do nothing because people continue to buy skins and gamble like idiots

    We can complain all we want, but truth is, if we want change, we have to VOTE with our TIME & MONEY. Nothing will change if people continue to do the same.

  4. Have you guys (in the comments) seen VAC Live ?
    Honestly I already had games, with obvious cheators the bhop, instant scout kills and so on. Even then I didn't had my match stopped from VAC Live. Does it exist at all or is it turned on. @TimeIsButaWindow, did you had recently demos sent by fans, which had VAC Live to stop their match ?

    I've only seen this to happen for Streamers, not regular players…. Even then, happens rarely.

  5. Cheats are not better in CS2. The issue is overwatch not being ingame and cheaters can just go as blatant as they want.
    The amount of cheaters is generally the same, the amount might have been raised a bit due to the fact that there is NO overwatch. This makes cheating no issue as there is no risk getting banned. Anti-cheat is not working whatsoever either.

    I am not counting the rapidfire/nospread exploits that have been in CS2, on that part cheats in CS2 are better.

  6. these cheaters are 9 out of 10 times some garbage silver that gets walked all over….. but valve does not give a flying futaba

  7. any 12yo scripkiddy could write a code in their lunchbreak that instabans cheaters shooting 5 awp bullets in a split second. volvo just doesnt give a shit.
    edit: lol they didnt even ban the guys you exposed in your months-old videos, and dozens of viewers should also have reported them. what a shitshow

  8. this 1st rage hacker ?
    I played vs liquid smoke and skeet already, and i already report hem ingame and on steam, but avast they are still cheating and grifing people

  9. To be honest if I'm going to lose to a cheater who's going to toggle when they're close to losing the game, I'd rather they just spinbot from the start and get the game over so I'm not wasting 40 minutes. I only have so much free time haha

  10. How can valve not detect when someone shoots a bolt action sniper at the speed of a negev.

  11. in the early days of csgo it was the same, people just rage hacking so it actually is impossible, and its because cs2 brought in new eyes, new cheaters, not long time ones that closet cheat, so the rage is in full blast,

  12. Well, we expected from cs2 better anticheat but we actually got better cheats 😂 GJ Volvo

  13. To be completely honest – I've stopped playing altogether ~2 months ago. CS2 is in such sad state at the moment and I have very limited time in my day to spend it on being surprise buttf*cked by cheaters. I'd rather do anything else but that. Although the situation is very grim, I enjoy watching your videos, in hope that I will lean about new and improved anti cheat that is stopping this madness.
    Keep up the good work

  14. The state of CS2 is unbelievable. How Valve is not doing nothing to even try to fight this is also weird.

  15. Imagine claiming you have an anti-cheat, that can't even catch that. It would be as if I played soccer with my car on national tv and people said I'm just built different.

  16. I checked up on Reddit and 8/10 posts are related to cheaters, rest being optimization, bug/glitch related. Looks like moderators don't even care to silence them seeing how many they are.
    I think they may have disabled anticheat measures completely right now. There's periods of time when I matchmake against the worst of accounts, and this is back haunting us. Last two games I played with my friend have been a total of 8 level 3-20 cheaters in two comp games. I then asked him to check out my trust factor from an alt account of his and all was fine.
    It is rumoured that a VAC "wave" will be happening soon. Wouldn't surprise me Valve resorting to methods which allow cheaters to get blatant just to ban them afterwards. They don't have a full fledged anticheat, so they'd resort to "traps" like this.

  17. ill come back in 1 month to this video, and i bet that still none of those players are banned.

  18. Valve know they're names, they're accounts, there is a video proof of how they cheat and yet, those guys arent banned?

  19. I can't understand how it could still be fun after two or three games playing like this, where you have 0 chances of enemy fighting back and you are garanteed to win 100% of the matches. You don't even do anything, hack appearently does everything for you, maybe even movement is automated by this point.

  20. csgo has farm bots, cs2 has farm bots. in my opinion both win. doesnt matter what cheat. The foundation needs to be deleted.

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