FPS Games

10 Biggest Gaming LIES of Your Childhood You Didn’t Notice

Video games don’t tell lies…until you take them apart.
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0:00 Intro
0:17 Number 10
2:02 Number 9
3:49 Number 8
4:56 Number 7
6:25 Number 6
7:36 Number 5
9:10 Number 4
10:38 Number 3
12:26 Number 2
13:25 Number 1
14:45 Bonus


  1. Childhood and the first game is from 2008… What have I ever done to gameranx to be attacked like this😂

  2. Maybe it's just me having not played a whole lot of shooters as it's my least favorite genre of gaming with only a few exceptions like BioShock and F.E.A.R. but speaking of the latter I actually never understood the praise for its "advanced A.I". Like the soldiers' ability to intellegently react and counter you. I never noticed. To me they were just smart enemies, but not on a level where I thought "holy hell how did the devs accomplish this??" On the contrary, it blew my f***ing socks off in Shadow of the Colossus when the Colosi you are battling actively go looking for you. Like when you run away from the bearded Colossi and it bends down on its knee to search for you, that shit blew my mind, so don't take my word worth anything. It is very random what ends up impressing me.

  3. Well,damn. You have my favourite games in this list,Falcon. Either way,Mass Effect 1 is still my favourite of the trilogy(but i'm never sprinting again :D)

  4. Hey Gameranx, would you guys mind a dark mode for your title screens/number cards? I watch a lot of your videos at night, in bed, and every time they come up, it’s sears my retinas 😅 Please and thank you ❤

  5. I never even noticed the Fallout 3 Capitol/Washington monument thing being an issue. The subway system to get there just added to the "realism" of post-apolcaltypica. Bethesda lives in another dimension. They don't use the same laws of physics the rest of us use. They can do what they want. 😜

  6. I’ll give Fall Out 3 a pass because at least they made everything fit on one disc, instead of making you swap discs every time you wanted to go to the Capital. I had that about 360 games.

  7. I don't know if it matters or not, but for the Halo 2 shield topic, the french translation got this covered : the technician says "as you can see, it [the shield] reload way faster" implying that the upgrade on the shield is on the reload time, not the actuel efficiency. 🙂

  8. I miss Wuake 3 arena. That game was awesome back in the day. I played online with people from all over the world back in the day.

  9. Bioshock also has a mechanic where the first enemy shots during an ambush are always scripted to miss to give you a chance to react. There are still loads of games that tell you there's a time limit when there isn't. You can usually work out if its real pretty easily. I find it really annoying, because if I play along with it and go as quickly as I can, I worry that I'm missing collectibles. But if I ignore the false sense of urgency and check for loot, then it breaks the immersion and I get harassed with vibration effects and NPC's screaming at me.

    I usually wish the designers would just commit to it and only imply time limits if there actually is one, leaving collectibles out of those sections (unless getting a particular collectible as well as completing the objective is intentionally designed as a challenge).

  10. 1:31 – "Потёмкинские деревни" or Potemkin's Villages. Term, which is used to describe something that is actually bad, but presented as something good. Like… You get a destroyed village, but you only fix a few houses, where the Emperor will go to make an effect like the whole village is fixed

  11. Why does he talk about the healtbar glitch when they tried to extend the penis of lucifer and at one point it touched the ground. Thats more worthy than anything.

  12. The biggest video game lie from my own childhood was the Atari 2600 game box art vs what the games actually looked like

  13. The DOS game "Stunts" lets you watch a replay of your race, but you're not actually watching a replay, it's literally redoing the whole race in real-time using your prior inputs. I found this out when I was making race tracks that confuse/hinder the AI, and after a race, I went back to watch the replay, and the AI chose a different pathing resulting in the AI winning instead of crashing.

  14. Duke Nukem was amazing. The enemy on the toilet was classic. Games should have more enemies caught unawares like that in compromising positions.

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