Counter-Strike 2

War Thunder Addict Plays Counter-Strike 2 and Actually Has Fun

Counter Strike 2 the video game

I normally make War Thunder videos


  1. cs is fucking horrible now. 80% of the leaderboards is cheaters, you get atleast one cheater every 3 games, even with faceit.

  2. currently watching this while climbing in my prop plane ( i will forget that i played warthunder and get killed)

  3. I know this might sound like seething to you guys but if you are having constant wins in CS then it means you are not playing at the supposed competitive rank bandwidth. If the matchmaking is functioning as it should be it means you are supposed to have around 1kd ratio in a solo queue. It's not like I'm against the "Fun" though.

  4. You won’t escape the grind of warthunder for long ✨ 😉

    Gaijin will drag you back to the depths of hell, a maze with no exit, a competition with no prize. You will never escape. They will make that a promise.

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